Myth-The Innate Nature Changes With Realization!

12:17:00 AMKrishna Rao

I was going over the teachings of Padmasambhava and I found that he was the epitome of anger just like our great munis Agatsya,Vasistha and Durvasa.That brought me back to modern days saints like Saibaba who is my patron saint and my family is very closely associated with Him. The pothi called Sai Satcharitra was written by our neighbor Hemadpanth or Dabholkar whose grandson I played with. My great grandmother(Savitribai Raghunath Tendulkar) wrote the poetry(Chap 2) and my grandfather(Vithal) who refused to go for the medical exam and others mentioned in the same pothi. Since we had firsthand information about Saibaba, we were also aware of the innate anger he exhibited to one and all. He used to run after people with his stick to drive them away.

Now we move further away about people whom I have interacted with in my life or whom I know about. Ramanna Maharishi was known to be silent even during his childhood so he never said much all his life. The teachings if you see are those which he just said a few words about and people extrapolated on them. He was the silent saint. The case of Ramakrishna Paramahansa is another in point, he always felt insecure with money so even at the time of his last days he was bothered about the expenses incurred. He always felt inadequate as far as finances were concerned. So if you read the Kathamrit you will get to learn that. The bogey of money!!
Now we move on to Shri Nityananda Maharaj of Vajreshwari. He always was sleeping or as we call it in Yoganidra. He had a huge tummy even though he never ate. He had terrible anger and used to drive his disciples away. So was his shishya who later on became Muktananda.He too had terrible anger. I have met both of them.
Now we move backwards in time to Christ. He was always afraid to follow the diktats of His father in Heaven. He always doubted them, hence the episode of desert scene.
Now we come to deeper sexual desires and two names that come to my mind are Osho and Upasani Maharaj of Sakori. They all seem to be realized beings but still why did they exhibit such nature of anger,fear,sexual desires,inadequacy in monetary matters and so on. I can go on and tell you a lot more such instances but this would make my essay longer.
If a person is realized, is he not supposed to exhibit such innate nature which he is born with after enlightenment at all?
This special feature of being stithpragya is all bull since they will all be showing those characteristics in life which they were born with. That in NO WAY changes their reaching the ultimate goal of being realized.
Now we come to Gods who we read about in Puranas.
Can you disassociate Indra with his anger? Can you disassociate Lakshmi with her pride and beauty? Can we say that Narad or Brahma will never doubt the Lord?
Can we tell Shani to leave His anger? Do you think Parshurama changed His nature even after He met His Guru? No,No,No!!!
So DO NOT associate that change in them.Realization means reaching the state of enlightenment which does not mean becoming like Buddha.Only Buddhism teaches one that you get to become peaceful and compassionate after enlightenment.
Do you think Krishna is compassionate?He killed so many and died after seeing His own kids suffer in front of Him!
Now in Buddhism we come accross deities and Buddhas who are the epitome of anger like Padmasambhava,Tilopa,Naropa and so on!!!
I have not tried to explain why they get angry but just pointed out that anger or any other innate inborn nature does not undergo any change after enlightenment!


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