I Did That-Myth

1:12:00 AMKrishna Rao

Have you noticed that every silly person wants to take credit for all the good stuff that happens in your life and no one wants to take the onus of any bad things that happen?

It is human nature to say-because of me the kids have grown up into such fine citizens and are making me proud. But assume if you were not there, then would they have not become good citizens? we all want to take false credits for all such stuff.
We credit the theory of relativity, gravitation and so many things to some person.
True, the person came up with it and showed it to the world.
Likewise, the school takes credit for the students coming first or when they become famous also.
But in the world of spiritual, we believe that all things happen because of God and we are just mere instruments in His hands.
He uses us to get to do all these things but our false pride makes us take credit for that deed. How silly can we be when we really have no idea how his creation works but yet we think we know all.
The next time someone tells you that he is responsible for this or that..just smile and think how silly that person can be.
In this universe we really have no control over anything. We are just tools for the great Lord to get His creation to work smoothly.
He keeps our ego bloated when we take credit for the stuff we do.
The string puller is someone else and we are just the puppets who dance to His tunes.
So let us give due credit to the great God and do what He has destined for us to do.
Lets stop this charade of taking credit of every single thing that happens to us or someone else.


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