
10:09:00 PMKrishna Rao

You come to a stage in life where there is no hope for you anywhere, no life worth living, no light at the end of the tunnel and absolute darkness all around you. You feel defeated and demoralized, destroyed and decomposed, ruined and forgotten. You do not see any hand of God anywhere to latch on to, no friend in sight, no family member to lean on to, no Mother Theresa or some noble soul who can rescue you. There are no places to go to and no destinations in life. You wonder if this is the end of world or your world alone!

You have faced this grim scenario before and yet you will never be able to remember it or identify with it. You were in a dark and lonely space, hanging upside down, suspended in space, confined to the smallest and tiniest of spaces, no place to move, a jail meant for the worst of the criminal kind, cell filled with dankest of the waters, you were fed by a tube and suspended in animation. You were in the womb of your mother. That was the moment in time when you would have given anything to get to freedom of an open space, a breath of fresh air, a single ray of light, a hand to hold on to, someone to wail out your misery to! You could not have even cried out to anyone since no one would hear you in there...no, not even your jailer!
You could have asked God for death then but you were not granted it then. The jail in which you lived for a few months you would not have even wished on for your worst enemies ever.
You struggled hard to get out but the rope that tied you was very strong, the cell pushed and pulled on all sides, the waters swirled all the time, the slime kept you in place, there was puke and crap all around and you closed your eyes unable to see under that dirty waters.
You shoved and pushed one day and wanted the freedom. You tried desperately and finally at the end of it all you succeeded in coming out towards the light. It hurt your tiny eyes, the air that you had to breathe entered the lungs only after a lot of whacking by that evil blue man. There were very deathly stuff all around you and they had poked you and pinched you.
Your jailers were standing all over smiling at your troublesome state. There was a howl of joy and laughter all over. People were celebrating and laughing.
You then understood that you are the only one who could push himself and bring in that light in life, You had to shove and shout for freedom, You had to make all out efforts and win. No one helps you out when you are in such troubles. There are no hands to clutch or people to look up to.
There are no friends anywhere around. There is darkness from which you have to emerge towards the light with your own will.
The God that you search for lives in you alone who wants you to push forward and make your own space in this world. He demands that you empower yourself and become a great as Him alone. There is always the end of misery and you will rise above but you have to put in your efforts and push for victory.
So let me assure you that there is no God outside of you to make you win.
You have to fight your own battles and empower the God within.
You shall win the glory and freedom will be yours alone.
Later all those good friends and relatives and no good people will come back to you but till then you have to fight all alone. Be brave and win! Victory will be yours alone!


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