Heartless 2!

9:34:00 PMKrishna Rao

Continuing from the last episode of Heartless....

I have come all the way from my far away land just to ask you why you are doing what you are doing? You surely came to meet me at the airport and showed me a very silly and a false smile.
I never could see or feel the warmth in your face anymore. I needed to know what it was that you were hiding from me and that which you so obviously thought that I cannot unravel in my world. You kept on meeting me and offering me some vague explanations that you have become too busy in your own world and that you were over burdened with work. I was not ready to accept those since I knew for sure that there was certainly a greater act put up over here.
I had come for your birthday and I guess you knew about it. I had never missed your birthday ever. You promised to meet me and celebrate it with me exclusively. Your birthday arrived and you did not come at the time fixed by us. I knew immediately that something was amiss. You gave me some vague reason for that and soon we were having lunch with some friend of yours. She seemed very pally and nice and I felt that you do need such friends. I asked you what your friend had given as gift to you and you said nothing at all.
Then you told me that you had to pick up a diamond ring from the jeweller that day. I was very much surprised to know that you had started to like gold and diamonds. It came as a shock to me. You never liked such things ever. I remember you being a straight forward woman not given to such frivolities ever. I tagged along to the store and saw a marvellous diamond ring which you collected. My heart skipped a beat and I secretly saw the payment made by card. Things now seemed slightly transparent to me but still I never had the proof. We went to your house and then I saw expensive roses kept over there. I was getting closer to the break point. I confronted you with those and still you kept on lying that you had forgotten that this friend of yours had sent them to your office the previous day. How can a person forget such a lovely gift?
The next day you promised to meet me early in the morning and I got up early and waited for you. It seemed very odd that you did not come so I sent you a message and your reply came that you were very tired the previous night having come late after your ex-students meeting and some late film show, so wanted to sleep more.
I smelled a rat then so I caught a cab and rushed to your house.
I called out from outside your flat and you told me to go away and refused to open the door saying that you were dishevelled in appearance and for a man to come so early to the house is not a done thing. I told you I was not here to do anything at all but to just ask you some questions which were troubling me.
Finally I couldn't stand it any more so I asked you a pointed question if there was someone with you in the flat. You refused to tell but at my insistence you said yes ,there was someone.
I was getting angrier by the minute and then I asked you if your girlfriend was with you and you said YES!
Well, I never accepted this strange twist to my love life ever.
You were now in relationship with another woman?
God, I again ask you how in the name of heaven do you do such a thing to your devotee?
So does it mean I would have accepted a man in your world?
I still cannot answer that question. I am too shattered for words.......


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