Keep Tabs
9:33:00 PMKrishna RaoWhy do we keep tabs on others and not on our own self? One man made an excel sheet and presented it to his wife about the number of times they made love in a month and the Internet exploded. The Twitter feed went wild and various segments wrote how bad the husband was. The sheet was presented to the wife to show her alone but she put it out in public and brought her marriage to ruin. Though I think it could end up in a different way.
Here I was going to show you how we behave in our own little world with absolutely no regards for time. We carry certain notions in our mind and believe in it whereas the truth is far different. In the above example there must have been an understanding about the times the woman believed she had sex with her husband and that man tried to disprove her by creating an excel sheet and ruining his marriage. I am neither approving or disproving the man or the woman here. I took it as an example to show how the mind works.
Someone says that they haven't slept a wink last night and you know for sure that they are lying since you saw that individual snoring away to glory. But what gave that man the idea that he hasn't slept at all? He was lying awake for some time, far beyond his normal hours so his mind told him that he hasn't slept. Try disproving him and he will vehemently insist that he couldn't sleep at all. But in reality he was awake only for a few minutes and had slumbered peacefully all night.
Likewise ask the person who insists that she exercised the entire year consistently and she will swear by whatever you say and you cannot refute her statement. Unless and until you find a log which tracks her day to day affairs, then you will notice she has gone to the gym or exercised only about twice a week and given umpteen reasons the rest of the period so that she could avoid the rigorous activity. So on an average her two days accounts to about 100 days in a year and not more. But her mind says she has exercised full year round 2 hours per day.
So why do we tell lies like that? What makes us believe that we have done something correctly whereas we have fallen down? Our performance has been pathetic and still we have belied the facts and convinced ourselves that we have over performed. What makes a man say that he is disciplined but in reality he is not?
This happens because man has desire of reaching a set destination and wants to move systematically. He plans in his mind and begins executing diligently. After a few times he begins to make concessions to his schedules and consistency. That is when he convinces himself that he is doing well. Results are never matching and yet he is insistent that he is diligent and consistent.
False notions about our own being makes us believe that we are doing the job perfectly. Use someone else's yardstick and we would have failed miserably. So what is the way out of this situation?
Keep a log every single day of what you do and how. Keep track of how many times you have given some silly reason for not doing something. Slowly and steadily you will stop giving reasons to your own self. You will make enough efforts not to do those things again. You will become truthful to yourself. Your disciplined life will show you that there is no need of giving stupid and silly reasons.
Those who win never give reasons for failures since they have won anyway. But losers have to give thousands of reasons for not winning. So be a winner and stop giving reasons. Even if you are defeated, stop giving reasons for your defeat. Try to improvise your life.
In the above example there were fantastic expectations from the husband which she never met, hence that person kept the log. But in true love there are no logs or expectations. True love is all about giving and not expecting. There might be zero times sex but there could be thirty days of love alone if it is all about giving love.
So keep logs about yourself for your own self so that you can change but don't try to tell the world that you are perfect. Being divinely perfect means not comparing with being perfect or having number of faults.