Myth-I will do it later

11:38:00 PMKrishna Rao

Not now, I'll do it later! Now I hear this word so many times that I wonder whether the person who said it has any idea if there is going to be a 'later' in life?

Reminds me of a story of Buddha when he was approached by a person who asked him when he would die?
Buddha said that he would die the next day. The man was very disturbed and went home disappointed by the news. He thought along the way of things that he would have to complete before he left this plane. So he started in earnest and met all his old pals,spoke good words to his kids,spent some time with his wife, prayed,gave away some things he wished others to have after he dies, donated a good amount to charity and did all that was necessary to go away in peace.
The next day he awoke to a bright sunshine and then the whole day passed without anything happening.
He was angry at Buddha for telling him lies so he confronted the Buddha with it.
The Buddha asked him if he could complete so many things when he knew that he was going to die, why was he procrastinating for so long??? I am sure you know the rest of the story........
We have absolutely NO CLUE whether there is a tomorrow or day after so why not do things and complete the tasks which we need to complete now.
So if you have to tell someone that you love her/him-do it right here and now!
Who knows if there is a tomorrow???
The downside of it is there too...
If I leave anything incomplete then I will have to come back to complete it sometime in the future life so why do I want to keep myself suspended in that case just because I could not complete that task. This is the law of Karma which talks of all that goes round comes around.
So let us not procrastinate on anything but let us do what we have to do right here,right now and get on with our lives and not keep it for the next.


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