Myth of the Destiny

9:45:00 PMKrishna Rao

Today I asked my son to set the Blackberry back to factory settings and I realized that the essential software still remains in the unit. Destiny can be described something like that. We all come to this world with settings from the factory.That is we carry with us the Prarabdha Karma(the karma which will get expended during this lifetime).

Now let me tell you how it came to you. You have accumulated it in all your past lifetimes and now you will use SOME of that from the ocean of Karma that you have accumulated.This ocean of Karma is called Sanchit or accumulated. That which you will create in this life is Agami or futuristic.
Since the software follows a regular pattern and any input data will throw up the correct results as per the set rules.We should know that the resultant will always depend on the set path only. So if we slap someone then as per the rules of the game that person has to slap us back. If I take $10 from you then I need to give it back to you or provide services or goods worth that amount.Maybe with interest!
These rules were written at the beginning of time and they are followed even today. Just like the initial software written in the Windows program by the founders of Microsoft. Here the great Lord has nothing to say. He says you are on track and follow the said program. Any deviation that has to be taken will be an exception thrown.
All this above is like our destiny or set path. We cannot deviate from that in the normal course of our life. We have to follow the rules laid down and adhere as much to the said path.That which is called destiny is written by US only.
Whatever we do in every life will be accumulated and then whatever is the result that has to follow will follow!! So if I kill 10 people by a gun, they will have to kill me in some 10 lives of mine as per the rules of the game. So in some 10 lives of mine I may be programmed to get shot???
So when we say the Lord determines our destiny-Does He???
We are only following a set path and the destinations on the path will appear as we go along. So can we say that the destiny is written by us in our past lives and we are following the path laid out by the first writer of destiny(the original writer of the embedded software)!
Here I will not discus the exceptions thrown otherwise that will become too confusing so I shall end here on this what you can to improve the resultant answer otherwise we will have to suffer for the mistakes or errors created by our own selves.


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  1. there is a nice story called samsara suite by Hoade on this topic that I read a few days ago and I was fascinated ...nice note suresh and thanks for sharing...


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