ayahs discipline

Myth of Stick Method

9:34:00 PMKrishna Rao

When we were kids, we have been pulled up in front of the principal or our parents have straightened us out by using the stick method. I remember having got a sound thrashing for having dropped kumkum on a brand new bedsheet once and when my ranks had gone down and having ducked in Maths.

We were scared of our parents and teachers and more so scared of the stick they wielded. I do not remember having ever back answered my parents or told them to get out of my room.
We still made it to the highest grades and became people to contend with in this material world. There are MD's of Great companies, Entrepreneurs and social climbers too.They have made pots of money and enjoyed great success in personal and professional sphere.
But now consider today's kids.
They start when they are small and as they grow, they tell their parents to shut he f..k up and get out of their rooms. They tell the parents that they want their space and to leave them alone.
The question of telling them to mind their language does not arise since they say that if you can talk bs then they too can, so what is the big deal,eh?
I would never had the guts to tell my parent that if he sits nursing the brandy while talking about the war with Pakistan or China, that I had heard that story a million times and that he should drink and not make such a fuss.
So even when he told us to get chakna(the stuff you have with drinks) or asked for a refill, we never objected.
When he touched the lips of the young ones with his glass, the mother would raise hell then.
But now the kids sit with their glasses of the potent stuff with the parent and watch soap or chat on the Internet.
So then does it mean that the generation today has grown or become more advanced by such behavior?
The stick has fallen off and the maid takes care of the child and the parent hardly interferes. I had three maids to take care of me when I was a kid but when it was time for anything my mom was the driving force. The ayahs were only secondary in nature but here the maids take the baton from the hands of the parents.
Now don't tell me that the woman or man is working person so they do not have time for all that. If you do, let me tell you they have time to do a whole load of other stuff like going to the beauty parlour,work, meetings,gym,jog,parties,etc etc but no time for the kid.
The parent has never taken a stick in hand today since that is what the books, journals,cases,psychologists and the cops talk about- don't use the stick!
So let the world suffer at the hands of these brats and uncouth new generations.
We still talk about values system and expect our kids to go to Harvard or LSE but not taking into account where they need to be straightened out, they should use whatever method they deem fit. Otherwise just the way they take to Nascars,Ipods,Drugs,Drinks,IPhone and all other stuff, they will be addicted to all the wrong things and let me warn you here that you will be responsible for the future generations to come just because you let the traditional method of bringing up kids was dropped during your generation!


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