bed of roses love

Myth of the Unmarried

9:57:00 PMKrishna Rao

Now I have had clients who have been so paranoid about not getting into matrimony, that they have consulted me every single year about their main problem!

They start from as early as 21 or 24 years and then keep on coming to me every single year or maybe twice a year to find out when they would be able to tie a knot!
Every year I have religiously looked them up again and again and announced the same that the cards do not indicate any such thing. That they should let it be!
Men in the age group of 30 to 35 are as paranoid as women and they think that time is slipping by for them to get entangled into holy matrimony.
What is this obsession of getting married and that too when there are other things they can pursue in life?
Now then there are clients who have been married for 'n' number of years and want out of it. They have realized it late that the person they are married to is not worthy of them. Or that they have found him/her to be a tyrant! They have worked their butt off and what has he/she done? Lazed around,been selfish,never cared for the other and has been a spend thrift. Occasionally beaten the heck out of them!
Then what is the solution for those who have been yearning to get to the person of their dreams?
The answer lies in a very simple statement-Que sera sera!
Whatever will be will be! The more you crave for that, the more you are going to be disappointed in life.
Have you not tried enough number of times to get to the right person but have met with failure?
Isn't it time for you to just relax and let destiny take over the reigns and do the needful!
When the time is right, the appropriate person will fall into your lap!
But that does not mean you should not look around as usual.
You keep your eyes gleaned and watch the horizon for the right person.
There is always a slip between the cup and the lip, so don't bother too much about it.
Sometimes we come moments closer to getting that but then bam, everything goes for a toss! Don't consider yourself unlucky in love and marriage!
That was a sign he/she was not the right person for you-so there!
I haven't met a single person who has claimed to me that his/her marriage is a success story.
You would ask me why are you being so pessimistic in life?
But that is the truth!
Give me ONE example of a very happy couple who have been in love till the very end?
I had a lady client who was so vehement about it that she gave me a piece of her mind.I looked at her and told her that her cards talk of separation and that was it.
She stomped out and came back a year later and denied having done that!
She was back with me about the story of her impending divorce.
When someone tries to talk about Godmen and how they were romping with the actresses, they need to look in their backyard before they say anything!
C'mon, every human has his foibles and they are prone to the path of surrender to the forces of nature. You cannot say that your man cannot get the Thai massage if he visits Bangkok or the ones who visit Las Vegas will not have a lap dance or a fling at the slot machines! So that brings us back to the question of-when do you get married???
Let nature take its own course and you be assured that marriage has very little sanctity even during the olden times. So what makes you think that marriage is a bed of roses? If you have not got into it as yet be thankful that you are free from all the crap marriage dishes out!
And if you are then be thankful, you are still with the person you got married to.
Whatever be the case, just know that it is the right state for you and when the time is right you too can be a victim of that great circus called marriage.
Till then hang on to your margaritas or Veuve Clicquots or just get the fun out of the pole or lap dancers, but remember the bouncers!


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  1. What you say is true, but deep down we all wear the rose tinted glasses & want our bed of roses. The not a success story is for others & not us. We all want the happy ever after end of "Pretty Woman".I would like to say that 1 example is me. Ups & downs in any relationships are a part & parcel of life, on the whole i am very happy with my married life,would not want to change it for any other better prospects.


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