abusive relationships gym

The Myth We Believe In

10:02:00 PMKrishna Rao

The world we create for ourselves, we start believing in and accept it as the ultimate truth.

The word called change does not exist for us and hence we tend to become very stubborn in our views about ourselves.
If we have put on weight, we let go and accept the way we are and not try to move a muscle to change the scene.Many of my pupils have faced a similar issue since the partner has stopped talking about it or has given up on them and has moved on to greener pastures.
It is important-not for the partner but for our own selves to do the exercises or go to a regular gym to make the change. You may end up paying more for a trainer but get the right person who can help you make a change. We tend to have a 'chalta hai' or 'Let it be' attitude and not effect the change. Go that extra mile and make it happen and let someone drive you to do that and what better than a very good trainer.The looks that my pupils get after they have trimmed down and started looking gorgeous makes their day and brings up the level of self esteem!
Then there are abusive relationships which they tend to delve in and let go of themselves. The partner is overbearing and restrains any self expression in them. The charges are too many and then the stronger partner uses physical abuses also. I wonder how can a self respecting person ever stay in such a relationships? My numerous pupils have let go of such abusive relationships and are now living by themselves and are very successful in their own sphere. They have earned the self respect and feel great at looking after their kids. They then teach better manners and healthy respect for the human lives.The denigration of their character after the battle of separation has not affected the kids since my pupil has seen to it that they maintain their dignity and not stoop low like the separating other!
Let me tell you here that it is not important to be a gutter-mouth like someone else just because they spew bad language. Just know-what else can you expect from a gutter?Be pure in your thoughts and words too.
Remember it all comes back to you so why say uncouth words?
Be gracious when you part and keep your own counsel.
Then once you have the confidence-help others who are going through similar tough times! That is the power of experience!
Sharing such experiences makes the shy and timid take healthy steps in life. Now you know how the AA works or the group sessions-You share about it and others learn from that and apply in their own lives!
You should have no sense of shame since shame does not exist for the spiritually strong. We live our own lives- the way we do is a beacon for others. We are the light houses and we create a better race.
Express yourself better and feel great about yourself.
Know that you are unique and be the best.


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  1. Krsna, what you have written is so true, with your guidance & your & my own self motivation I have been able to bring small but significant changes in my life. This has made me fell very nice about my self & at the same time it is leading by example which is exactly what you have always told me.Big Thanks.


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