Myth of the Stone God

7:22:00 AMKrishna Rao

Have you seen how many people stand before a stone statue and pray to their God?

Now would a person from another community stand there and pray too?
Then what is it that sets that statue apart for those who put all their faith in it?
So, you caught the word-Faith!
Its a powerful word if you have it and if you don't then it is garbage.
So is it the stone statue that has more importance or the faith of that person?
I have myself stood before the Mother Of Perpetual Succour at Mahim and prayed and have been granted boons.In the same way the shrine of Saibaba at Shirdi has so much power that people flock there to get something or thank the saint.
If that same statue does not make sense to some and to some it is divine then where does the divinity rest?
Surely it is not the place or the stone statue or even for that matter the faith bestowed by the diehard followers that makes the statue yield results for them!
Thus we are foxed by the reason for results happening to some and miracles in a few others lives!
Some argue that divinity is within us and still there is no convincing proof of it.
A person acts so divine some days and the next day he is a debaucher or a thief.So does divinity permit us to be bad and good as well?
So here we have a great Godman with a Billion or Gazillion followers offering one of my pupils the great opportunity to sleep with the God Himself! Of course she told Him to take a hike!
Now can you understand why a God stoops so low and still be Divine for all those gullible followers??
It is all in the way we put or repose the faith in that stone statue or that Godman!
The power to make or break is within our own mind and reasoning capability.
We can bow down to whatsoever we believe in or not.
We can take a person to the skies or make him squirm like a vermin.
The same statues we revere are after few years trodden and crushed and made into another collectors item.
Take the case of two heads of Buddha which were 2000 years old were chopped by vandals and sold in the black market. Now these same were prayed to many years ago.
The Somnatha temple near Mysore is a beautiful one but no one prays to the Krishna statue there. It is a past relic not to be revered but admired for the beauty in stone. It does not have divinity in it otherwise we would have put a garland round it.
So does it make less relevent to us?
Let us examine this in detail some other time.
Now share your ideas with me on this!!!


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