Myth of Spiritual Knowledge

9:34:00 PMKrishna Rao

How does the spiritual knowledge come to you?

You hear some spiritual person or texts being recited or hear stories from your grand parent or parent or attend some spiritual bhajan or recital. You may also get it from the internet or some other source.Now this knowledge is like talking to a person in Hindi,when he does not even know if there is a language called Hindi. It is impotent knowledge and will have limited use for anyone.
Just the way I sing Kannada songs without any knowledge of those words or meanings.
Let me show you how it works.....Suppose I give you a Mormons Bible,which is shiny and beautiful. If you have no idea of who they are or what their holy book talks about, you will keep it in some corner of the house and will never read it. Now if it happens to fall in some other persons hands, that person will junk it.
Let me tell you how that knowledge becomes more potent and can make you WISE.
You should get the spiritual knowledge from any good source and listen to it carefully taking in each word diligently.
You should then assimilate it in your mind.
Cogitate on it and mull on the teachings given by that source.
When questions start arising in the mind on that topic, you should approach your preceptor to get complete satisfaction of your query.
Once again mull on it further.
Then you will find the teachings will solidify and churn your intellect well.
Then there should be an experience of the knowledge so that you can get the proof of the pudding. Once you get the firm experience, the teaching will become you.
I know you need to have an example here.
The teacher talks about mixing Sodium Hydroxide and Hydrochloric Acid to produce salt and water. She gives the equation and tells you the method of doing that experiment. Then she takes you to the lab and shows you how the two ingredients look like(NaOH and HCl). Then she takes a flask and mixes the two together in a particular way to produce the required end result. But you are still not satisfied till you yourself take the stuff and do that exercise with your own hands. Once it is proved by chemical methods that what you have produced are really salt and water then your knowledge has FIRMED UP.
This is exactly how the knowledge gained from any source can get to fruition in your mind and produce true results in you.
So next time you hear some good stuff being recited or exposed to you do the above and see the results for yourself.


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