Myth of Gods Grace

5:41:00 AMKrishna Rao

In the Holy texts the words resound very clearly that if the text is read or heard or sung we get the grace of the Lord on us. Considering that the purohits should be very lucky,since they recite it every single day similarly the temple priests and the mullahs and padres. But just think- those are the unluckiest of the guys around! They have never seen God nor heard the divine too.Neither have you experienced God in that way which would make you exclaim-OMG!Hallelujah!

Then does it mean that the words in the text are false or just a hoax to draw you to read them?
A Guru teaches a student various mantras and shastras and then he expounds various texts and takes the student through various paths to finally give the ultimate lesson in the spiritual. The mantras or shastras potency is unvalidated till the student experiences the divine truth.But does it mean that the mantra or shastra or the teacher is a fluke or a liar if no such experience is got by the student?
So what is it that is needed to get the fullest experience of the divine with that text, mantra or the teachings?
That special ingredient is called the-Grace of God.
When that is missing then nothing works and no experiences happen.
In the Saptashati the Devi is sitting with the Devas when they praise Her to the skies for destroying the demons Chanda and Munda and she is surprised to hear that.
She asks them how do they know that she has done that?
The devas are also flummoxed and have no answer but then an emanation from the Devi comes from inside Her and explains that She has taken these various swarups(matrkas) to do the acts but it is not necessary to know that by the Goddess herself.Sometimes the Guru has no knowledge that His emanation has done some job outside the sphere of the material.That knowledge for them is useless!
Similarly the Grace flows from the deity or the Guru without an expression or argumentation.The Divine need not express itself visibly or logically.
The flow of Grace happens on its own without any effort just by some strange method. Now the question arises whether the Grace flows or not depends on what special feature?
That special requirement is called the Faith.
Remember I had told you that I shall get back to the topic so here is how the Faith shows its potency. Absolute Faith in the Lord or the Guru draws the Grace from them. That which will make the prayer,reading of a Holy text or chanting,songs,mantras and expositions very potent and divine.
So have absolute Faith in the text or the Guru and let the Grace flow unceasingly.


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