Myth of Associations Not harming Us.

9:55:00 PMKrishna Rao

As a crystal reflects the color of the objects brought into its proximity, so also our associations with people or organizations affects our minds and taints it.

Just the way a spoilt Mango is kept in a box full of Mangoes, spoils the rest of them, likewise the company we keep harms us unknowingly.
We accept the lifestyle of that individual we associate with,since we start to like or feel one with the ways of that person. Now in our college days we keep various companies,some which are our drinking pals,some that are our sexual partners,some that we go out with for the weekend, some that we study with and so on. They turn our life inside out for us. Making us learn the ways of their living.
Try remembering the first time you drank some booze?
Was it not with some friend of yours who asked you to take a sip or just taste it?
Later on in life we pass the same habit to someone else,also since we do not find it prohibitive to drink in front of our children, the child does not find it objectionable and starts drinking sooner than you did!
You should not blame anyone else, blame your own self since you started it all, remember! The child will some day take to booze and then you will wonder why it happened? The associations of drugs is also of significance since drugs are very addictive and the need to supplement them in larger and larger quantities becomes very difficult so the person becomes abusive and can resort to wrong ways of stealing,etc. I remember a very famous actor,son of a politician-actor in a Rehabilitation Clinic smuggling in drugs through people from outside.Later on he went to associate himself with the people who planted the bombs in Mumbai.The case went on for many years and finally he got free due to political pressure.
Same is the case of gambling or racing or any other habits like these!
But we still maintain that there is no harm in what we do and it will not in anyway harm another. But logic and reasoning will tell us that it will but those who are habitual care two hoots for such a thing.It has become their life style now!
They will give a million reason as to why they should take drugs or drink or go for the races.
In the spiritual world too, we implore the holy people to be with the saints and the pure at heart and stay away from the company of the non-believers.
We tell the sadhaks not to indulge in drinking,smoking,drugs,games,gambling,etc etc. This may taint their minds and we can never rescue them if they will not give us their reins and help us help them.
Those who come to me for guidance and help, I ask them to indulge in good work and keep their minds occupied with holy things and sincere work and never let their mind wander towards such obnoxious things.
Know that all we do shall one day reflect back at us just the way it will reflect in that crystal. All that goes around shall come around.
Do not jeopardize the one who will come after you and make your life more sinful.
Get up and walk away from the harmful ways of the world and be good and holy.
The Lord shall help those who help themselves, so make the effort at least and pray to the great God for mercy.


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