Myth-Constant Bliss In This World!

8:20:00 PMKrishna Rao

My Sadguru Dattatreya cites a prostitute called Pingala as one of His 24 Guru's. Here is her story.

Pingala lived in a city called Videha and solicited every single day for customers dressing very beautifully for them. She used to deck up and wait for her clients to come.One day as she was waiting for them to come,it became very dark. Whenever someone came to her she would bargain hard and consider the worth she was. Just when midnight came she had rejected a lot of them and had no one as a client for the night. It was very disturbing for her since she was proud of her beauty and knew she could allure any man. She went inside and started to think hard. Why did this happen today?
She wondered about the money she got by selling her body to men. She asked herself why is it that she has to bow down to puny men who grovel before her for her skin and services? Is it the man who comes to her and gets her the money that gives her joy or is it that her lascivious movements gives happiness to them? She was thinking hard about it.When I see money that I get happiness and when these lusty old men get my body they get this joy? But if they do not come and I do not get this money, I become sad, she thought. Then is it the act which gives me and them so much pleasure? Then the removal of this act is giving us unhappiness.
Suddenly she started to laugh loudly.She knew the answers then.
No human could give me pleasure, no money can give me the happiness that I desire,no body can satisfy me.All these are the urges and thirsts of my senses.
They hunger for such puny gifts which do not last forever. There is no permanent happiness in anything outside of me.I had sought pleasure and wealth in pitiable men who are greedy and slaves of women after selling my body, she thought.The body which they enjoy so much is so ugly filled with bones,skin,muscles,mucous and all possible dirt which it secretes from all my pores.
If I want to be happy then I can be with my own self, why do I have to search for that outside of me? My Self has all possible happiness,joy,laughter, bliss and all that I seek from some silly person outside of this Great Master called the Self.
He tells us that you do not need anything or anybody outside of me to be happy and blissful.
She learnt her lesson that night and became blissful reveling in the Self doing her bidding and being truthful to her own Self.
Dattatreya says that we are blissful all by our selves and we do not need any outside agency to make us happy and content.
So be with your own self and stay happy and blissful.
The world goes on and the superficial pleasure it gives us are very temporary.
Live for your own self and revel in this supreme lover called the Self.
Love Your Self and do not seek any other Love outside of Him!
Love is God and God is Self!


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