Myth-God Does Not Fall Down.

9:27:00 PMKrishna Rao

The constant belief is the Great God is perfect and here I will elucidate that when He takes form,he has to undergo the usual traumas and trammels of any other human being. He falls down and commits the same folly like any other human being. But there is a difference which I shall tell you in the end.

I shall start with the avatar of Varaha.The boar avatar was required to lift the earth from the bowels of the watery grave from the clutches of Hiranyaksha.After He rescued the earth He took to family life and became a family boar,having hoards of children and a wife and forgetting who He was. Finally when matters came to head the Gods went to Shiva and asked Him to get Vishnu back from the earth. Shiva had to come and kill Him with his trident. The Great Lord went laughing back to His abode and duties.
In the next avatar of Narsimha the Great Lord was so angered that He continued with His killing and fierce form,the Gods had to call on His wife Lakshmi to calm Him down.The angry Lord would not even listen to Her, finally Pralhada cooled Him down and thence He went back to heaven.
In the next avatar of Parshurama,He killed so many Kshatriyas that when He met His next avatar also,Parshuram couldn't recognize Shri Ram.They had a great battle and neither of them were giving in.Finally Shri Ram had to show the angry Parshuram who He was truly.Even after killing Sahasrarjun,He didn't stop His killing.This avatar is still living and will continue to kill the kshatriya class.
The next avatar called Shri Ram was totally distraught many a times.Once when He had to go after the deer(delusion), when His brother Lakshman was injured and was lying on his death bed, then again when Ravana kidnapped Sita, again when He couldn't cross the sea to Lanka...Shri Ram cried like a child and showed that He was no less human.
Then comes the avatar of Shri Krsna where He is deluded so many times by the Gopi's especially Radha,then He has to fight His enemy Shishupala so many times, the kidnapping of various wives including Rukmini,the final episode when He is seeing His entire clan being wiped out,His encounter with His Guru and so many countless episodes makes Him complete human being with so many follies.
The avatar of Jesus was very much human and He had to fight the devil in the desert, the episode of Mary Magdalene, the episode of His talk with His Father in heaven, the episode of Judas and so many which are accountable for Him acting very human and attuned to the travails of a human life.
The saints which are the embodiment of the Lord are also affected in their lives.
Meera's constant harking on seeing the Lord, Tukarams ways of telling His wife how He missed the Lord when she could see Him and not the saint.The case of Ramakrishna Paramahamsa when He contacted the dreaded disease cancer, of Him calling out to His disciples from atop the kuthi....these episodes talk of the basic human quality of worries,tensions,anger,hurt,delusion and all other qualities associated with the human birth.
Now the last part as to why are they different then any other human beings.
The avatars know who they are and can regain the lost ground due to the effects of this human birth.They understand it well how to get out of these delusive tendencies many a times. They win in the end and give us a lesson as to how we should live in this world.Theselessons are very important for us humans and we need to learn from them that the human birth is very essential for our growth in the spiritual but we should never discount it. Revere the human form and always continue to grow spiritually. Get over the problems associated with the human birth and forgive,forget and get over to the other side of Godhood. Thats what it means when the words were uttered by Mansoor Al Hallaj when he said Anal Haq.
The divinity is in us but we do not know about it.Remember the saying-God is everywhere, then why not in us humans?
So what if we commit blunders and fall down continously but we can get up and say once again-Anal Haq!


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