Myth:I am Happy

4:22:00 AMKrishna Rao

I have come across people who often say that they are very happy with everything in life and these are the same folks who then crib about everything under the sun. Right from bad roads to why the government wants to spend so much on the expansion of roads and acquisition of properties.Ha ha!

For their own selves they are the epitome of Godliness having a full understanding of every fine nuances of detachment, dispassion and discrimination.Let me tell you they are under the spell of the Lords Maya!
Even the highest of the Gods was deluded by His own Maya.
Take the case of the boar avatar of the Lord. Was He not oblivious of everything and enjoying His Maya as a father and a husband and rolling in muck? The great God Shiva had to come and wake Him up by goring Him to death!
Take the case of Buddha and we always think of Him as serene and composed and never angry. Let us understand how he lived and then make head and tail of it.
He never even lifted a sword in life. He was always protected by His guards and later He had a full life.Never had to fight at all. So when the circumstances have never dictated Him to take cudgels with anyone,how can you expect Him to be angry or ferocious or for that matter a fighter in life? So why should we not find Him calm and composed and very serene? He was in serenity,found serenity and peace in His own self. If Buddha were to fight in the Gulf war or with Taliban, do you think He would be calm and composed? I would not like to know that!
Take the case of Vishwamitra and Vasista who were enemies and would do anything to get to the other. They plotted against each other so many times.
The circumstances dictate how you live and how your disposition would be and your quota of happiness is in those stuff which you think would make you happy.
Suppose you are a poor man and can afford a mahua drink and if your highest quotient of happiness is to get a bottle of Scotch then you will feel happy when you have it.
The idea that after you get Self Realized you become blissful can be punctured if you get to know that even Krishna died in pain seeing His kids and kinsmen die. Ram had to fight it out with His own kids and get His brother injured too. Saibaba was anger personified even during His last days.
Ramana was silence and Ramakrishna was in constant suffering before He died.
So if someone tells you that they are happy or blissful, ask them which God or Godman ever was like that? There was constant strife in every ones life and they all suffered with pain and other maladies of the human kind.
Let us not cheat our selves when we say that we are happy...remember the next moment this myth will be broken. Let us live it the way we are attuned to and keep on searching for that elusive happiness. No one can defeat Maya!


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