Myth-Indibloggers Bangalore Meet For Geeks?

1:56:00 AMKrishna Rao

When I went for my first Indibloggers meet at Celestial, Fortune Park in Bangalore, I was wondering whether I would be meeting a whole load of nerdy geeky types but I was proved wrong.

The myth that the professionals from the IT industry are all so nerdy and full of number crunchers was demolished by almost all those that I met.
Right from the moment I entered the lift, I was smiled at by an Indiblogger who later welcomed me. Though I was amongst the first few who came in, I saw bloggers much older than me and I was relieved.
Now I could not have won any prizes since first and foremost I have a very old phone which cannot be used to click any photos and it does not have any facility to send any mails also. So that eliminated me altogether from winning prize for a photograph.
Of course, I hoped that some day I shall get a really good camera phone, maybe one of my disciples may donate that.
Now then, I settled myself and looked around and I saw a man holding a yellow colored baton with a yellow coat. I wondered whether this was a platform for promoting social work? Turned out he pushed the idea home later with gusto. I wondered how many would take that up!
Anyway I was hoping that there would be some Master of Ceremonies around, but it turned out the guys were showing some clips which derided their Mumbai meet.The MC was not a professional speaker but he did well for someone who holds a squeeky microphone( was it a phone?)!
There was talk of booze like any other company meet. And to top it all one of the sponsors was the hotel itself and the sales guy oversold himself, offering free flowing booze in their bar @Rs.550/-. I do not know how many of the bloggers took it up. I didn't, since I do not drink.
Meanwhile the HP team were throwing away prizes like water, without any regards for the achievement of any sales targets. I personally went and asked for the machine and was told to go and buy from some neighboring store. Wow, what a way to dissuade a customer! I would have bought one there itself but....
Being a pioneer in Exhibit Marketing, I realized that there are companies which do not know what to do with the promotional budgets they have! Reminded me of the cartoon from olden times-It said water go down the hole!Watch it here.
I am sure you will understand what I mean and even if you love HP watch this to laugh all your blues away.
Anyway to take the narrative ahead, the idea of introductions was used to self promote the blogs the individuals had and I heard most of the bloggers talk in a very demeaning way about the way they write.
Let me assure you, if you have written, then just be gracious enough to accept that what has come from your delicious mind must be good. Thats the way to sell what you have by tom-tomming it and talking nicely about it.
Now here all ye bloggers never talk bull crap about your own self and your blog!
We all love it hence you write it. You actually want some few members to read it, right? So praise it and use some filmy language to promote it.
After the intro we were asked to hang a crap colored sheet around our necks like the man from Pretty Woman. This is Hollywood, the land that dreams are made of...
Well, this was the forum where we dream folks and the world reads us. So dream on!
The tea was a tepid affair with lots of circulation and less of masti.
Though I expected a lot of fun and laughter, I saw a side of the bloggers which was subdued. I know you guys are very creative, so why didn't you show some weird stuff there.
Lastly after too many prizes being awarded, I was wondering if the t-shirt would just be another throw away but they were really nice.Thank you folks for the good looking t-shirt. But I was happy to say that the guys at Indiblogger really made my day.I met my long lost pal who now runs Gingerchai.He too has given up designing like me and he runs that tea house and I hope to someday top the charts by my satsangs! Amen!


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  1. Your write up on the indiblogger's meet is so different from all others read by me so far. Cheers!

  2. time to get a new phone? and also get smarter with that? think about it ;)

    Good to have known you and keep blogging. May you get lucky in the next meet to carry more goodies :)

  3. Thanks Ram sir and Mohanji for your comments. I got myself a Sony Elm,my wife felt sad about it and brought me one. Haha!God bless and have a great day.

  4. Nice write up.. Read my review here . Vote for that if you like.

  5. nice and a very different review there... keep blogging!!

    Tavish - Sensible Bakwas

  6. Nice write up.
    Keep blogging.
    Cheers !!

  7. Thank you all for reading here. God bless.


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