The Power of I

4:25:00 AMKrishna Rao

Have you noticed how your friends and friends friends and their friends all try to write some stuff which will get more and more comments on their facebook status message?

It is all a one upmanship and how to beat the odds of getting the most number of eyeballs.
There are blogs and blogs telling you how many more people should read your blogs and how to make more money from every hit.
There are a string of useless comments telling you how good your blog is and how you have read it and follow it and that you should also reciprocate.
I have attended a number of satsangs where the main course is after the session to do a hard sell for your own company and connect later on. They come armed with visiting cards and phone books. Nowadays we have phonebooks open all the time for the cutest girl in such a place. Even the long haired Guru with funny clothes knows it all and he too sells his pitch. He sells you the next round of courses to attend to.
You are also on his mailing lists and shall receive a good number of emails from how to save your marriage to how to increase your libido.
Now why do these people want so many people to appreciate them and like it or write comments on their messages?
Hard sell aside, they are actually propping their I or ego and telling the whole world-see I am read so many times over and commented on. I am so famous and so many know me. I have seen so many a facebook friends and I know for sure they hardly open your page since they have you hidden.
Stop pampering your ego and start really caring for yourself. You do not need comments on every status update and likes too. You do not need everyone to read all that you write. Just a few would do who really care for you.
Why would you want to make money from friends who are good to you?
Stop pandering to your own self and be good to your friends.
Just do not allow the already inflated ego to go one more step ahead.
Just be yourself and nicer than ever to one and all!


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  1. :)

    For an artist finding himself/herself at the end of a very hard trail with no sign of light, with a heart full of uncertainty and doubt as to the path he/she is taking, on the brink of giving up the less trodden road, and forced by society to travel the mundane life, a few good words or thoughts of encouragement do make an immense world of difference.

    .. this might just be the funda behind trying to grab eyeballs and showing off skills.

  2. Yes, Jean, ask me about it. I have been in marketing most of my life-teaching that subject to writing on it to floating companies but you know somewhere when I entered spiritual all that seemed very far away so that makes me stay away from self publicity. I just teach one on one now to only a few. Less tensions,right!But I guess no harm for the worldly catching eyeballs but I write for the spiritually inclined now.
    And Hari, You take care and have a nice day. God bless you Jean and Hari.


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