Cesspool of Desires

8:23:00 PMKrishna Rao

He always wanted a very expensive watch from Rolex so he went ahead and bought it. He flaunted it every single day to all and sundry. Then one fine day he went for bath leaving it on his bed. When he returned it was not there. He searched high and low but still couldn't find it. His whole day went just thinking about it. He could never pay attention to anything at work. He returned home very dejected and then his girlfriend told him that he had left his watch on the washroom drawer. His joy knew no bounds and from thence he took care of it with added precaution. His entire mind was always focussed towards keeping it safe.

Now take another case of a person who wants to fall in love with a beautiful woman. He meets an angel of a woman. He marries her. He always has to protect her from all prying eyes and to do so he tells her to wear all dowdy clothes for any do. Though she looks amazing, he tells her that this dress is not good or the one which makes her look like a princess, he tells her to discard it. He only would approve that which would make her beauty less obvious. Then the possession called wife needs to be more secure so he talks of having kids which will tie her down forever. They have a great kid. The woman becomes very ugly looking having put on lots of fat and pounds during pregnancy. He starts paying more attention to the kid. He then shifts attention to the child. Anyway now who will look at his woman, she is no longer beautiful and she fusses over her kid more so. Then he gets to celebrate all the birthdays of his kid. Every finer nuances and mischief of the kid is told to every other person. His monthly birthdays to yearly ones are full of fun and gifts from the proud papa. Then it is about him going to school,his homework, his annual day, sports day and every other day is shot for posterity. He preserves the photographs on his laptop to flikr , photobucket, facebook and the rest. His obsession is his kid. The kid grows up into a bright young man. Then it is about his admissions in the best of college. now just think when will this desire ever end???
It all started with a small desire of falling in love or having the best watch and see how it lead from place to place. Of course, the man will say what is wrong with desires or possessions? Nothing wrong my friend. But did you notice you have spent all your life working your ass off for that one desire? You ran after all the frivolous stuff all the time.
Here is the crux of the matter. Your kid came first and you tomtomed about it but ask anyone whether they did really care about your kids first rank? See, you too don't give a damn for any other person who may fail in an examination or come first! The one who feels oneness maybe the one who is the closest but do you really care? It is just another passing incident for you.
The yogi is also like that. Though he lives in his body, he looks at all such incidents as passing ones. They seem to happen to the body which is third person. There is no attachments to it. He has no desires for anything so whatever may happen to the body is of no consequence to him. Here the detachment is complete so he does not suffer at all. There are no desires for anything at all for him. He is complete by himself.
Be a yogi and look at the incidents in life as a passing fantasy or as if happening to someone else. This is a powerful way of detachment. Do it. Go on, try that.


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  1. humans are subconsciously nihilist in nature. Hence they do whatever that makes them happy without worrying about anything else. I find this behavior acceptable as long as it does not fringe on others right to happiness.

    Life minus the attachment might be appealing for the perfectionist but it is a lonely road out there.

  2. Makes sense..but easier said than done...nice post.

  3. Oh thats what I teach my disciples- to get over these desires and become detached.I sure can name a lot of my disciples who are detached so it can be done. It ain't lonely road since we are all in it for the better good. Thanks Alka and Dhnesh for dropping by.


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