Strange Questions

9:38:00 PMKrishna Rao

Pratibha Singh's blog inspired me to write this one.

She wrote that if others pain makes you smile then you are a demon and the next one was that God has all answers.
Here are some questions which are a paradox by themselves.
If God is everywhere, then where does the devil stay?
If there is so much of evil in this world, who do you think is responsible for it?
Is corruption, not in this God's world?
If bad doesn't happen, can we do good to anyone?
If one bad person goes doesn't another take his place?
If there are terrorists, they call themselves freedom fighters, if their cause wins them that then they become martyrs. So were they terrorists or freedom fighters?
If Mother Theresa saved thousands of lepers and poor, are they not supposed to save her too as per the law of karma? So does it mean that she will have to take birth thousands of times and get the same problem as them to be saved by those who got saved by her now?
If you get married to one person and take the pheras, then are you not committed to seven lives at the minimum, even if he is born as a cockroach in the next life?
And if you get divorced, then does that contract stand?
If a man has raped a minor, does it mean that the minor in some life must have raped this man earlier?
If Ganga snan is so much full of purity then the crocodiles and fishes living in Ganga must be the purest?
If God of human is just like a human, then what would be the God of an ant look like or for that matter the God of monkeys?
How would an ant or monkey recognize that God of theirs?
Why does two similar people putting in same efforts cannot reach the same goal?
Why does the mothers roti taste different or better than the wife's even though they make it of the same dough or choolah?
I am sure you too have a tonne of questions which make no sense to you but still haunt you. So let me end here saying let it be or sabh chalta hai as we Indians do!


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  1. Best of all, dont think too much just do Krsna arpan at Guru's feet.

  2. 1]devil in universe since mystery of other planets are still unrevealed.
    2]human beings
    3]but not created by him
    4]good will never feel good without tasting bad.
    5]terrorist can befool others but not god.
    6]7] 8] god because he has all the answers and we have no right to question him or his creation and just follow the duties,social responsibilities and above all trust yourself and your abilities.Afterall we are responsible for our own behaviour.

    indeed i must say very thoughtful of you on thinking so deeply about my post and thank you so much for mentioning my name in your post and I am so happy about this .

  3. Life is a mystery..some questions are best left unanswered.

  4. Thanks Alka and Pratibha for dropping here.Life sure is a beautiful mystery to unfold and Pratibha nice answers.God bless.


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