What's That?

10:01:00 PMKrishna Rao

We have time for every other thing in life but no time for That.

That is a very strange part we experience in life. But we hardly know That!
Everything else that is a mystery we want to explore and find out but That which is difficult to know we hardly want to experience it.
Have you noticed our curiosity drives us to know the very end of a suspense novel or a movie? We want to know the twist that comes along with fictional suspense but That which we experience in our life we are oblivious about it.
Now you are curious to know what I am talking about then read on.
That is which we cannot put our finger to it. That is something which drives our life onwards but we do not even understand it.
That was written by Nisargadatta Maharaj in his iconic book called "I am That!"
But still we have no clue what That is all about.
Some call it God, others call that Jehovah, Allah, Bhagvan, Shunyata or whatever else you want to call That. But still no one can understand That!
Very enticing, yet hardly anyone cares for this mystery.
Who is this That which we talk here?
Try knowing this thing that I call That and you will be stumped and left to wonder what I am talking about.
No one has seen That, yet people talk about that.
Those who seem to have an idea still say that they saw a burning bush, others say they experienced white light, some say blue light and what not.
Yet no one can tell you the truth about That!
Now we can truly say that That is experienced by very few but they cannot speak about That. Because no words can describe That.
Those who have the knowledge of That are called the Masters, Guru's, Saints or just the Realized beings.
These are very strange people whom we can meet. They live in a haze and are always very vague about everything. They talk in some strange lingo which we can hardly understand yet when we go in their presence our whole world lights up for some unknown reasons.
So let us explore this mystery called That and meet these very strange creatures called the Masters!
Help us find That!


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