All Alone

2:58:00 AMKrishna Rao

No one accompanies us when we are born and when we die then too we are all alone.

Why do we favor company during this sojourn as a human being?
We crave so much for everything right from birth.
We need parents, teachers, elders, friends, family, colleagues, bosses, mentors, electorate, ministers, leaders, spiritual beings and last but not the least God!
Wouldn't you say that all of them finally ditch us and let us go our own lonely path?
So whom do you call your own? No one can be called as mine since they all desert us.
Spouses die and then you are alone, parents die and you are left to fend for yourself, children leave us, teachers look after their newer students, ministers change, bosses and colleagues back stab us and God is never around when you need Him.
Then whom are we leaning on for support?
Let us accept that we are actually alone taking care of ourselves all along.
No one is really there for support when we need it the most.
Everyone may resort to temporary support from the people mentioned above but they do not last always. They move on and we are left high and dry.
We fall in love and hope that the one we love will be with us forever loving us the same way but that too changes with time and space.
Let us just let it be since everyone is selfish in their own way.
Parents want to be good parents, lovers want to be great ones, teachers as an excellent example, bosses and colleagues as good employees, devotees who return favors by giving back and so on.
But do they actually care for YOU?
Just think about it.
No one is truly worked about you as you yourself.
We worry about ourselves so much that we look outwards for answers.
Whereas we should be searching for them inwards or within ourself only.
Check out that the only one who cares for you is the one who dwells within you.
So evaluate the one who loves you so much and discover the true love for your true Self. He never ditches you, never leaves you even during birth or death, constantly reminds you that he is there and to never care for outside help.
He is the true God, teacher, family, spouse, child and all that you want Him to be.
So stop looking outside and seek Him inside.
He is the true Self and is always around when you need Him the most.
Believe in your self and respect that too.
Thank God that you are alone and you truly don't need another around otherwise you will always get dumped.


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