Some Questions On Miracles!

11:35:00 PMKrishna Rao

I have often wondered how many miracles did Kabir perform to become a saint!

Did Saibaba of Shirdi remove ash from thin air and give anyone or did he dip his hand in the dhuni and distributed ash to all that came to meet Him?
Did Ramakrishna Paramhamsa ever prove to anyone of His divinity by performing any miracles? Even Vivekananada never did perform any such magical feats to drive people towards Him!
I wonder if Meerabai did any miracles like bringing out idols or trinkets from her body to show the masses which thronged her bhajans.
Never heard of Tukaram creating wealth when He is supposed to have direct access to the Lord!
Namdev could see and talk to Vithal of Pandharpur but he too never did anything at all. He had to go to His Guru to get to know the Self. Visoba Khechar(Namdev's Guru) was a simple villager whose fame was only due to His illustrious pupil.
Guru Nanak hardly ever did any such frivolous acts of miraculous stuff to draw students towards Him.
Swami Nityananda from Ganeshpuri or Vajreshwari was a avadhoot who hardly ever created any articles from thin air.
I don't think Shri Ram who was an avatar of Vishnu did any miracles also. Though He was a king, he could collect taxes et al but we have hardly ever heard of Him building hospitals for poor. Maybe he gave away wealth like the modern doners.
If Shri Krishna could cut off peoples heads by His sudarshan chakra, then why did He need any army. He could as well sit in one place and will His weapon for mass destruction!
Have we found any remains or archaeological remnants of the rakshasas from yonder ages? But we have found the fossils of Dino's but not of these grothesque creatures!
I am so much in awe of today's Guru's who can produce ash from air and trinkets too.
They seem to have greater powers than the Shri Ram and Krishnas.
I bow down to such miraculous people who can build bigger and bigger hospitals and collect so many disciples and devotees.
I feel sad that the ones mentioned above have nothing to report from their lives and have become famous without any media exposures also. I guess that is their greatest miracles!


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  1. Suresh- I feel its all in our belief. Devinepowers donot cease. If you believe yes then it is yes. if we say then there no other go.
    Nice write up. gr8 thought.


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