Real Beauty-A Spiritual Viewpoint!

9:07:00 PMKrishna Rao

They all come with a baggage which reeks of denial, self pity, low self esteem, monetary problems, physical defects, emotional issues, physical abuses and every other lacuna that you can think of on physical being.

The first thing a Guru does is to remove the veils of maya or delusion from the eyes of the sadhak. The initial cleansing happens to their physical being. Just the way Shri Ramakrishnaji said when the yogi was cleaning the pot everyday. Even if you allow a single day to elapse the muck climbs on to the pot(physical self). So keeping it spic and span is a must. Rubbing with the sand from the banks of the river removes the muck and keeps it shining. In our physical world, the initial activities happens to be the regulation of breath by breath control or pranayam. The next is good diet and that which suits the sadhak. He regulates what is eaten and keeps strict vigil on what can be harmful to the student. So avoiding all the fats, unnecessary carbs, toxic substances and those which may cause damage to the physical well being. He then puts the student on to a regime of strict exercises which we can say comes in the form of hatha yoga. In todays day and age there hardly is any time for doing all that so He instructs the student to join a gym and when at work to exercise strict control over his breath. Never to let off steam or get angry with anyone. To observe strict decorum and yet be firm with down lines. To be an epitome of an employee or a owner. The next step is physical cleanliness and taking care of personal toilet. A good body and face can be a great boon to the self esteem. So He instructs the disciple to take to any therapy which would suit him. A facial to body massages are a must for toning the skin to keeping all the toxins away. Proper usage of cosmetics and therapy to get rid of all defects from the physical are important. He may recommend even a botox treatment if need be. Again in the physical world to know and be a master of your own profession is a must so he recommends classes, tuition, studies of the topics which will keep you on top of the class and help you in your career.
Worldly knowledge is a must and keeping abreast of that which can take you ahead is a part of the grand plan. This Master has the entire ken and hence He recommends it to all His disciples.
When we are free from all bodily defects and short comings along with the material ones can we move on ahead in the spiritual world.
The first duty for any sadhak is towards the Gruhasti(family) so the spiritual Guru will first recommend you to take care of your closest family. But continue the quest for the spiritual.
Taking care of the physical self or the material body will help you to take care of all the problems associated with any distractions that may arise in the spiritual. If the container itself is defective how can it hold water?
So beauty is defined by keeping our mind body and physical being up to date and ticking perfectly. Healthy body will lead us to healthy mind. This in turn will make us have a greater self esteem and we will strive to become perfect physically too.
The next step will only follow if you do what it takes to keep yourself fit and healthy to face all the rigors of the spiritual in later sadhana.
So buck up and have a great self esteem by keeping yourself healthy, attending gym, going to a beautician, wearing good clothes, looking good, breathing well and working towards your own welfare and the family too. The true sadhak will first attend to all these things and then turn towards the study of the Self!
So feel beautiful about your own self before you move on to the discovery of the True Self.


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