The Things We Gather!

12:10:00 AMKrishna Rao

Have you seen on your mantle piece lately what are the things that you have gathered over a period of time?

I rummaged through my old books and a picture of Bee gees fell out, a flower dried with memories, a coin that I had found walking home which was cut at one place. Can you imagine the amount of junk that we carry around as memories with us?
I have seen the drawers of people crammed with stuff they just carry along for the sake of memory but hardly ever use it.
I have often wondered where all that stuff goes once when you move on or move out or to sound harsh-when you die?
I remember someone threw out all the books and old stuff which her old man had gathered his entire life. They were very sacred stuff for him but after he died it became junk.
Once again when you move houses, we give away so much which we have gathered all along and the ones we give it to, we expect them to take care of it the same way with reverence but they hardly care . They have their own stuff to bother about so why do you expect them to care for it anyway?
Lets throw all the cobwebs away from our life and clean it up so that we can get ready for newer stuff everyday rather than gather old memories all our life and dwell on them forever and create more junk.
When we learn to live life every single day and create the future and here and now can we be more happier in life.
I remember one person who stood in front of the pyramids of Giza and said I will come here again and enjoy it. The person who was next to him said...but you are already standing here now so why not enjoy it here and now. Who knows whether there will be a tomorrow for you to come again?
So let us stop gathering this nic naks and create more heartburn when we compare the good old times to the here and now. Learn to live now rather than into the past.
Be happy here and enjoy every moment of time that God has given you now.
Stop living in the past and revel in the glory of today.
Live life at the edge now and love it always.


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