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7:20:00 AMKrishna Rao

Today I was listening to a story of a lady who waited for full ten years before she took a decision to separate from her husband 12 years after she was married to him. The reason cited was connected to non performance by her husband so she couldn't conceive. Now ask yourself, why does a person have to wait for 10 whole years before she could decide? In similar circumstances the man would have dumped her and remarried instantly but she waited! She would be nearing 40's now and if she were to marry again, when would her dream of becoming a mother come about? Wouldn't it be risky now?

When I was asked if destiny played the part of delaying such a step or was it something else!
Destiny as we know works all the time so we have to say that it was destined for her to break away from her husband and also that she was not supposed to conceive then with him.
But let me clarify something over here.
Even if it destined that she was supposed to breakup her marriage due to the above reasons, the time factor could have changed. The broad guidelines of destiny work but the time factor and space and every other parameter is worldly alone, not connected to the Supreme plan. That is where the problem lies. Time is worldly and it can be compressed or expanded in the spiritual world but not in material world.
The thought was given to her well in time by the Lord say maybe 9 years ago but she procrastinated and thought about her future and decision were based on logic and worldly wants.
We all bow down to the material wants, desires and fears.
She would have thought what the world would think about and society pressures worked the magic for delay in decision making. Worldly considerations, peer pressures, family and morality issues would have contributed to that. Fear is the greatest factor for procrastination and the ostrich mentality works wonders in shunning decisions.
Now if it is written that she would get a child if she marries again, she will definitely get one. It could have happened earlier but personal ego made it an extension. Karma associated with such delay also counts.
Even when a Bhishma was given the power of death by wish, he delayed it till he could see the entire war happen sleeping on the bed of arrows. He could have terminated his life earlier but he exercised his worldly logic and waited till the last.
Now let us forget spiritual aspect and only consider worldly issues- what would you have suggested to this lady otherwise? I am sure you would have told her to jump the gun and get on with life 10 or 9 years ago, right?


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  1. We usually succumb to our conditioning - whether it be social, moral or cultural. By the time we realize the spiritual aspect of this, it becomes too late to make amendments in the material world. That is the reason why all should read and understand The Gita at an early age and apply the teachings contained therein to life rather than wait until 60 to even take that sacred book in our hands.

  2. But how will we get to know if the thought that came to our mind is the Divine Will or its the mind's game ?
    Can we assume that any thought associated with the worldy things accompanied either by fear or anger has to be discarded ?
    If the lady was very known...would have suggested to jump the gun and if it was now...would have surely asked to check with You or Padma ;)

  3. Any un-motivated thought that comes to our mind, this can be our guide to our destiny.

    The lady probably has started analysing her un-motivated thought for seperation, that caused her a waiting period of 10 years.


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