Mind It!

1:41:00 AMKrishna Rao

So where do you think your mind is?

Mind is considered to be in our head so we point out to the head and say the mind is here.
What you are pointing to is called the head and inside that rests the brain. A processing organ.
Now would you point to the cpu and say that is the computer?
You may then argue that the computer is in that, isn't it?
Of course the entire thing comprising the cpu, the monitor, the keyboard and the mouse would be termed as the computer. So now the next question, where is the Internet? Inside the comp?
In the same way when an Indian is called upon to point to the mind he will say that is in the heart because we call that the "maan"(mun)! We sing- mere man me Ram, tan me Ram, right?
But ask any other person and he will insist it is in the head alone. even the scientists will agree with them. So where is the mind?
The mind is just as imaginary as the Internet. Its there and still we cannot point towards it.
The Hindu philosophy says that we have the mind body or the Manomaya Kosh.
This mind body is also not visible to anyone and it rests inside the food body or that which you see, feel and touch is called the Annamaya Kosh(food body). These bodies are one on top of each other. Just like those Russian Dolls which nest inside each other.
This mind is a great stuff where we do all the chewing, dissecting, gathering data, disseminating, distributing, arriving at conclusion and so on with its various contents like the memories, intellect, etc. we create castles in the air here. We think here. We make huge stories here.
Vasistha muni says that we can do anything in this world like carrying Himalayas, drinking the entire oceans and so on and he will believe it but if someone says that he has overcome the mind, he will not believe it. It is very difficult or next to impossible for mind to be overcome.
If someone tells you that he has overcome the mind, just know that there is no truth in that.
So now that you know the mind is in every part of your being and yet still not in it then that just goes to show how elusive it is, so how would you control it anyway? So just Mind It I say and don't worry where it is! Remember the mind is a great tool to be used by us humans to reach God so lets use it for that.


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