Ego And Punishment.

6:55:00 AMKrishna Rao

Once when Arjuna was puffed up with his ego and declared that there is no better archer than him in the whole world, he needed to be taught a lesson so Krishna created a situation for his benefit.

An old man asked him how he could call himself the greatest archer in the world when the old mans Master is the only greatest One.
When Arjuna asked him who his Master was, the old man answered it is Sri Ram Himself.
Arjuna became very sad at this show of his ego and vowed to immolate himself that instant.
He fired an arrow in the ground and wanted to enter that flames. The old man stopped him saying that it is not right to do so. Arjuna persisted so Krishna had to himself come there.
Krishna stopped Arjuna and told him that the old man is Hanuman Himself, the greatest devotee of Sri Ram.
Then Krishna taught Arjuna a lesson there. He asked Arjuna why he wanted to give himself the punishment for saying those words? Krishna told him that no human can ever give himself the punishment or credit for what he does. The giver of whatever is the Lord Himself and never to take credit for anything at all. You should never judge yourself and give credit or punishment also. This is an important lesson for humans. Who are you to declare that this is the punishment for whatever deed you have done knowingly or unknowingly? The One who can grant you pardon or punish you is the Lord Himself and never indulge in it. So stop judging yourself and just do what you are supposed to do and do not hanker after results ever.


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