Relationships With Krishna.

9:27:00 PMKrishna Rao

Krishna had a very unique relationship with every individual in His life.

He had a natural mother and father with whom He lived after He returned from Gokul. He gave them their proper place in His life. He handed over the kingdom of Mathura to His grandfather who ruled after Kamsa was killed. In the same way He treated His foster parents in the most respectful way. They visited Him often in Mathura.
He had two great disciples whom He taught the Gita- Arjuna and Uddhava.
Arjuna needed recaps almost all the time hence you will find other teachings offered to him.
Uddhava was taught and told to convey the same to the Gopi's of Brindavan but he couldn't teach them since their taste was completely different. Now some of you may ask as to why would Krishna tell something to Uddhava which he could not impart to the Gopi's? They lived in their own world of love and devotion which he couldn't change at all. Even the case of Radha who wouldn't listen to him but continued to talk to a bumble bee all the time. Finally the teaching of Krishna was told as the last dialogue for posterity. Coming back to relationships again, Krishna was an epitome of it all. He was the perfect husband for all the wives He married. All His marriages were thrust on Him as you can see from the case of Rukmini to Satyabhama to all the 16000 others. They all expected Him to marry and so he did. With His friends also He was a perfect friend. He took care of His dear friend Sudama even when he had lost everything. The case of Akrura also brings home the point how He treated him nicely even after Akrura accused the Lord of robbing the jewel from Satyavrata. He gave mukti to so many of the people whom He met in the battle field and otherwise. Take the case of Putanna and Kaliya also. He was very concerned with all of them so He gave them moksha.
But everyone connected with Krishna never kept their relationships going with Him. Arjuna only approached Him when he needed help. The Gopi's were lost in their own world and never bothered to call Him or go to Him again. Though in one rare instance a Gopi insulted Him in His rajdurbar saying this is not the Krishna they knew. Even Radha who loved Him so much never came back to Him. She lived in her own world even though she had considered Him as her Sakha. His parents continued to stay in their own land. To take care of Mathuravasi he asked His own potency to lift the people bag baggage from Mathura to a far away destination called Dwaraka. His brother Balaram who an epitome of ego, yet the Lord never showed any animosity towards him. His wives always demanded stuff from Him. Take the case of Satyabhama who is the avatar of Radha, was so rude to Him on the kalpavriksha issue. He brought the floral plant from Indra as gift for His wives.
I have often asked why normal individuals couldn't keep up with only that one ongoing relationship with Him in whichever way they could. He had to keep up with all of them in a perfect way. In our lives we are always like this. The human nature never allows us to even maintain one relationship with one person perfect ever. So why not maintain that One relationship with the Lord perfect? If you love Him then keep it that way. If you consider Him your Master then do as He says. If you think of Him as your Guru then follow His teachings. If you consider yourself as His wife then be a perfect one. If you think of yourself as His sakhi then be one. If you think of Him as a father then be a good child. You get what you give is His own law. So give Him your 100% and He will give you a million times more but if you give Him 10% then please do not expect Him to give you a million. Its not easy to be in love with Him.


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  1. Thanks Suresh,
    We always think whatever we are doing is perfect and thus believe cant improve further...


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