Bali Temples

10:32:00 PMKrishna Rao

Here are some amazing temples that I visited during my Bali Trip. 

The First temple that I was able to visit is a shrine devoted to Lord Ganesha and there are statues of the trinity Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva inside the Goh Gajah temple which is open to one and all. This is purely a touristy place so watch out for the bathing place with founts and fishes swimming in the old and ancient pool. Adjacent to it is a desecrated statue of Buddha whose head is chopped off. 
Next I was invited to visit the famous Royal Temple of Pura Taman Ayun.
The tourists are allowed to circumambulate the temple from outside but not allowed inside.

I had a great discussion with the head priest of the temple who conducted a small offering prayer to the divinity there.This is a temple where the Royal family used to come and pray to the divine. One of the most amazing temples with fantastic vibes and throbbing divine pulse. This is surrounded by a shallow moat and then a wall to keep out the prying eyes. Here are some pictures of the inside and the exterior too.  
The Pura Taman Ayun temple is a great representation of the creation with the Meru, the oceans, the islands, the various peaks and the Guru's seat which is seen in the last picture.  
I shall post further in my future blog.


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