Jo Khaya Woh Pachtaya.....!

6:09:00 AMKrishna Rao

This is truly a very funny topic when you know everyone fails. You know someone is bound to ask me about the title so it says-Jo khaya woh pachtaya..etc., means those who eat repent and even those who don't repent! Its all about Arranged or Love Marriage!
Marriage is by itself an institution which is brought about by wanting to legally mate with someone.
I have had so many diverse opinions given to me that I have stopped recommending marriage to anyone.
But when my dearest disciple came to me asking me if he should get married, I told him he should.
Now my other disciples were aghast and wanted to know why I vehemently asked him to get married.
Remember marriages are supposed to be made in heaven and all the blah so who am I to stop someone who wants to fall into that heavenly trap? Even Indra wants to wed every beautiful babe in heaven or earth so why would I stop someone? For that matter even Krishna wed 16108 wives.
Now let us get on with the subject of Arranged or Love marriage and may I win some prizes for deluding all the readers.
Arranged marriage has become a rarity since even in an arranged marriage everyone wants to have a test drive first and check out the vehicle before they buy into it!
Hey, don't get me wrong. There are women drivers too! So it is more so important for them to check out the fuel efficiency, mileage, speeds, smooth gear changes, oil checks and so on.
I know the arranged marriage means lots of opinions from various knowledgeable sources, checking up on the antecedents, the versions, the stable from where it comes, the efficacy of the match by various instrumental and physical checks in the form of kundali and parades.
Imagine going through all these stages and then getting a reject. A whole load of reject slips means you are relegated to older buyers. God, that's a shame!
Now comes the most delicate part. Will that work?
Of course if the marriage comes with factory fittings defect, you have no option but to write a million letters for replacement. Similarly, you can blame as many as possible because you have been given advice by all these jerks who just never got a defective piece and they thought that you too will be as lucky(sic) as them! So that just winds up the proceedings for arranged marriage. And if some idiot tells you that he has been married for 40 years, then tell him that there were times we only had Bajaj and Ambassadors and no choice! They had no options, see?
Now let us enter the race for Love Marriage.
If there was an indelible ink on the marriage certificate then they surely should get it burnt or shredded.
Unconditional love sounds a very great term and is used so often in Love marriages!
Btw, know that to get out of that kind of love means paying a whole lot of money to the legal system and also don't forget the alimony!
Yes, I advocate Love marriage to one and all because you will have no one to blame.
The only one to blame would be the guy or chick who brought both of you together.
Now you are sure this is the right thing to do.
After all I am always around when you have ideas of pulling your hair out or banging your head after bouts of endless tutu main main!
Get married at your own risks and know there are other legit ways of bearing kids if your aim is to have kids in marriage. Or if you feel there is someone to take care of you after you get older, then know the hospices and old age homes will go abegging. So have some pity on them. When you are lying on the hospital bed, know that your guy is busy watching test match or taking his young girl friend out.
So whichever way you look at it, it is either way a win win situation if you get married by cajoling or by coercion. Hail this great institution called marriage! Get fast relief from your pain of being single by getting married and then know it is a great way of being alone after that! Any which way you will be alone and she will be alone being married to each other!
Now as a cautionary note, this piece was written not to win any prizes or entering any contest. So you may lol and write back to me. Amen!


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  1. Really true and its awesome :)

  2. That's reality, my friend !! I guess, people must have a first hand experience to have a feel of it..LOL..

  3. Yes, Panchali. Thanks Sree for coming here. God bless you all.


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