25 Points Of Duty

11:49:00 PMKrishna Rao

I am writing for the N'th time about this subject but still it does not enter a persons mind so this time round I am going to write it in bullet points.
1.  To do your duty is your job alone.
2.  Doing your job well or to the best of your ability is in your hands.
3.  That job which comes to you naturally without any struggle or undue pressure is your own duty.
4.  Do not compare yourself to any other while executing your duty. Just put in your 100%.
5.  To do anything in this world you must first have a plan which is aimed at winning or success.
6.  Executing the plan should be done with complete preparedness of the required weaponry.
7.  The above means you should never go half prepared. Arm yourself to the teeth to win.
8.  Focus on attaining success or a winning does not mean having control of the results.
9.  Know that firmly results are never in your hands at all.
10.Results are always in God's hands. Only He decides what to give and what not to!
11.When you have to pray for success do it with complete humility.
12.Do not put your ego in the forefront while attempting the duty.
13.Do not do your duties with any intentions or desires of return benefits.
14.Always take help of the experts in the field of their expertise and do not think you know all!
15.Always thank those who have supported you when you are doing your duty.
16.Knowledge related to the subject is very important for attempting any tasks.
17.Do not wait for results but continue on to the next task in hand.
18.There are no moments of laxity even for a moment when you are doing an important job.
19.Do not rest on your past laurels while doing any job.
20.Know that you are the best and the only one suitable for the job hence you are doing it.
21.To put in efforts is your job alone so put your best foot forward.
22.Always take initiative and do not be afraid. Ask yourself-what is the maximum that can happen to me when I do this job?
23.Have ultimate faith in yourself, God and your Master.
24.Know there are oppositions and detractors for any and everything in this world.
25. Motivate yourself to the highest when doing your job.


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