
10:29:00 PMKrishna Rao

The day the maid doesn't come life goes awry.

You are left with doom and have very little idea where to start or what to do!
Then there are those who have never seen a maid in life and have been tending to their personal kitchens and cleaning on their own. They do not have any idea what work they should give the new maid if she is appointed. 
Or for the matter a cook newly employed by you has little or no idea what kind of food you eat or how much of oil is used to make a sabji! The chapati turns out thick and not like the phulkas that you are used to. 
I still remember my grand mother getting so irritated with the new maid that she got off from her bed and started to round up stuff in the kitchen. We had a hard time putting her back on bed. Fortunately she got used to her and was able to make her conform to her exacting standards.
Now let us cut the story of maids short and come to the main crux of the matter.
The husband-wife dependency and children-parents dependency is a matter of concern here.
In some households the wife/husbands has become so much dependent on their spouse for going out, buying grocery, fighting kids battles, talking to the teachers during the PTA meetings or the housing society AGM's, the fight with the electricity office for wrong billings, the collection of all old records, taking the elders to hospital for checkups and paying bills on time! 
Then one day the whole thing blows away and the spouse is left with attending to each and everything that he/she had never ever attempted. That day the person realizes the potential of how to face the world. This situation only arises for the purpose of making you realize your true worth.
I have disciples who have lived half of their life fending for themselves.
Paying their bills, raising their kids without any support, going for grievance meetings at the society, school PTA's, applying for permits and licences, dragging the gas cylinders, taking up jobs and moving to far off locations where they have to set up newer households, talking to principals of colleges or schools, getting the ration cards, paying taxes and so on. How much they have been able to achieve on their own can be worth thinking about. They save for the rainy day, know the tax rates, start their own industries or companies, have superannuation plans, travel on their own and work hard to get their world running smoothly.
But then there are some who do not seem to ever get out of this dependency.
They crib and cringe every time they have to face the world.
Then they become dependent on their kids or grand kids after they have lost the one they depended upon before.
Know that you can live in this world alone and without any support system.
The Self is alone, single, all powerful, knowledgeable, can handle anything.
Give yourself a chance to be independent and alone.
Fend for your own self.
Know that you were born alone and the world conditioned you to think that you need company or people around you for support. They talked about your secure life and gave you the complete crap about dependency and how you cannot be alone.
Love yourself and do not believe in anyone telling you that you cannot live life alone.
Stop feeling sorry for yourself and face the world.
Before closing I shall tell you about the story of two set of foot prints and then only one.
One day two people were looking at two set of footprints on sand.
They followed for sometime and then there were only one set.
The atheist said, "See the two set talks about God walking with the man first and then he leaves him and goes away."
The believer says that the two sets talk about both of them walking together first and then the single set tells us about God carrying man in His arms.
So to round it up let me say that you are never alone. God has His plans about you and takes care of you all the time. Trust Him and go about your life working alone with only Him for support.


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  1. Thanks Suresh.. just to add I have been doing all this stuff on my own for almost half of my life now :))


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