Why Do I Need To Spell Or Write?

12:16:00 AMKrishna Rao

I heard one of the customer's mother talking about her granddaughter to the store owner.
The conversation went something like this.
My granddaughter who is 4 years old says she does not need to learn writing with a clean handwriting or spellings at all.
The reason cited by her is why does she have to learn writing when she just needs to type out the words. And further why does she need to learn spellings when there is a spell check in the computer?
The world has come to a stage when even simple acts will be more removed from the domain of daily chores. Say an act of cutting vegetables is also done before you make the food by buying cut and cleaned veggies.
Last when I visited a supermarket I saw a number of cut veggies and fruits platter kept in the cold freezer which customers just took home or wherever to have it.
Is it so difficult that you do not need to read, write, spell, cut, fry, saute, walk, run, go to bank or post office?
The current generation has never heard of games like khokho or kabaddi.
Lagori or chor police.
Even cricket seems far and distant for them.
Their games are PS3, Foosball, IPhone downloads, Angry Birds and so on.
Their drinks are more exotic than ever. The food also seems more like lesser tadka's, no gravies, no spices, no taste....
Or should I say more cheese and what exotic types of cheese!
More wines and what exotic wines!
They enjoy the unwanted threads of tea leaves in the form of dip teas for which they pay a bomb.
The simple chai which was kadak seems to have lost to the tasteless tea of today.
Hey, why am I forgetting the latte's and a million types of the same simple coffee.
I enjoyed the simple coffee from the Coffee House and everyone smoked there and had their Jhabbas and jhola bags like the politicians and scribes.
No way am I cribbing at all.
Earlier I would have spent time in the kitchen but now I am no longer found there but more on my laptop and the Samsung Mobile.
My whatsapp is more friendly and my Gmail chat has more features than my old Maruti.
Ah, such is the power of modernization.
I am loving it!


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  1. that is silly , is she does not learn how to spell words then how does she know what she is writing ..

    technology is advanced but it is not that advanced it will think what u wanting to write and type it all ..

    and yes the simple tea KADAK tea has gone



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