Chicken Or Egg?

5:57:00 AMKrishna Rao

This question has haunted all of us as to who came first-the chicken or the egg?
Let us see if that works for us!
Neither the chicken nor the egg would have come first at all.
Both are single and not ready to mingle so even if they are one how can there be many?
So a single egg or a single chicken cannot give us multiples of the species.
The answer must be there were two chickens of different gender.
If they were the same gender then again there would be a problem.
Now take the case of two eggs.
What if they produced two of the same kind.
I guess that must have happened sometime so we have same sex relationships.
BTW, who was going to sit on the eggs if they were to hatch.
So the eggnog goes down the hatch!
But then it doesn't produce kids, does it?
I guess Noah was smart enough to listen to God and keep two of different sexual kind.
He must be given the credit of carrying on his boat two live chickens and not eggs.
If he did and from that came two hens or two cocks, we would never have had KFC!
So hail the mighty Noah for getting aboard one cock who was virile and a ready hen!
That's how we have the answer to that question.


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