Why Does God Need So Many Weapons Or Hands?

11:51:00 PMKrishna Rao

Has it ever occurred to you why does God need so many hands when He can smote with a single?
Why does He need multiple eyes when He can see with His divya dristhi or Divine Vision?
Why does He have to sit in some cold or mountainous place when He can be living in multiple star luxury home?
Or for that matter is it a fashion to wear a headgear or a crown to prove to the poor sods that He is the King or some head of the some empire?
So many weapons needed to fight some freak and then kill him, when you know that anyway that poor dude is in for it?
Just imagine He needs an army of able bodied folks to kill or get killed in some battle?
I can never imagine a God with fangs, teeth bloody red with the demon hanging out of it, a hand full of weapons that would shame even the largest nuclear power.
Why would the God be a woman or a man when He need not be anything at all?
Talking about sins, why would He strike you down when you are operating under His domain?
And when you talk of heaven looking upstairs, does it mean the North Pole or Russia?
And does hell mean the southern continent? Is there some other dimension we are talking about here then why does He need to come to ours then since we are anyways not going to His ?
Now when I look up, I don't even know if there is a sky to look at since I guess we are suspended somewhere in space in the Milky Way. Now how do I know the North or the South?
Now imagine we all shift our base to the planet Saturn or Pluto then how do we say its day or night, seasons or not? What would we consider the time as? And do we have the Shani dasha or whatever?
Every God has got a 5% vote from the believers since the rest of them either vote for their own God or do not believe in it. Does it mean the rest of those 95% are wrong? Does the lower figure constitute a majority?
Strangely we have never questioned the beliefs and taken all that our parents or what some elder said as the Gospel truth. If I were to ask my Grandfather or my ancestor if he had seen God then I know what his answer would be!
Why would a God need a hammer or some specialized weapon for His protection?
There must be some deeper meaning to all these things that I have questioned here.
Have you ever asked someone the answers to these or just been a blind follower?
You should know the answers to all these and more otherwise how would you tell your own kids about it? Would you still give the same story your grandmother gave you?
Its time to wake up to reality and seek the answers and not fall for blind beliefs.
Let me tell you that there are answers to all these and more.
Only you need the right person who can show you the path so seek Him out first.


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  1. Rational, radical, thoughtful!
    Very well written Suresh:)

  2. Very good arguments.Will read again.

  3. well it is not god .. its how god was interpretted by the people who were teaching .. the so caleld leaders and all .. who made up majority of the things for their own convenience ..

    God never said or asked anything .. all he wanted was us to have a good life and be good human beings ..


  4. Thank you Amitji, Uppalji and Bikramjit for your comments. God bless.


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