Implements & Weapons Worship

9:28:00 PMKrishna Rao

Today we celebrate Ayudha Pooja or the veneration of implements and weapons and worship them reverently. It comes one day before the Dassera festival.
Now why do we have to do such a thing you may ask?
The war between the good and evil happens before this day and then there is victory.
The weapons used to win this war need to be given their due respect hence we clean them, polish and shine, color and paint them and then arrange them to pray to them. Thanking them in the process.
You may say that is a foolish activity.
What have the implements and weapons got to do with it?
It's you who won so why do we have to venerate some random inanimate object.
Every random object in this universe, even if it is inanimate has a karma associated with it.
They form an integral part of our life and they have something or the other to link up our life.
Take the case of the bow of Shri Ram. Kartikswami one day saw the weapon  and picked it up so Shiva asks Him to return it back to its original place since it was programmed to go in the hands of the Lord at a later date. Rama lifts it and breaks it to win over His wife Sita.
Similarly the pestle hidden by Samba, the son of Krishna is the final weapon by which the entire Yadu Vansha is destroyed. Remember the story in which they drop it in Prabhasa lake and the same become reeds and the weapon head which finally destroys Krishna and His entire clan?
Similarly don't we get so much used to our own spoons, knife or forks and ask for them when we have food. We sit in our own chair and get so much attached to it.
Our own computer or cell phones becomes our life saver and we never let anyone touch it.
Our watches or our cars become an integral part of our lives.
We need to honor them some day and give them due respect so today is a day when we give them that.
The weapons that win the war for us or the planes, the ships, the tanks and so on are to be kept in readiness and alert. They are the tools for winning over enemies.
Similarly the things which produce stuff for us in factories, the tool kits, the computers, the vehicles, the machinery, the implements which we use for gardening or farming, dairy farming, etc etc.
We show them healthy respect today and pray that they come in the best possible use for us at all times.
So lets honor them today and love them as our own body part.
Such is the greatness of Ayudha Pooja.


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  1. Every random object in this universe, even if it is inanimate has a karma associated with it.

    Wonderful ..!


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