The Day It Rained

7:11:00 AMKrishna Rao

The idea about rains is there in the Bible and the other ancient texts.
Noah's arc is known for the pairs that he collected in his arc. God had commanded him to do that. And then it rained hard and inundated.the earth.
But wonder why God wanted to save the two dissimilar types?
He could have just flooded the world and created completely perfect beings instead of carrying forward the past genetic defects! But He did not do that.
When we talk of logic in our lives and how it happens to correctly fall in place, then we are flummoxed at God's methods.
Its difficult to predict His ways.
He gives money to wrong guys.
He gives beautiful women to retarded and deranged dudes.
He gives promotion to completely undeserving candidates.
Death to those who shouldn't die.
Life to those who cannot lead it.
You ask is there sense in all this?
Its insane and intolerable.
God, you say, give me your sceptre for a day and I will change the world.
God looks at you and smiles.
He asks- why not change yourself first before you change the world?
You need to take out those wet and rain tinted glasses which causes the haze infront of you.
Change your attitude first and then you will find this world is the only perfect place!


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