Birth Of Buddha-Picture Story

11:15:00 PMKrishna Rao

The marker stone where Buddha was born after His mother Queen Maya stepped on it after holding the branch of the tree. This place is in Lumbini,Nepal
The place where it is believed Buddha was born to Queen Maya. She took 25 steps to this place inside the shrine and holding on to the branch of a  Sal tree she gave birth to the baby at this location.

King Ashoka came to this place and this stambha(pillar) was established which bears the story too. His daughter lived in Nepal to spread the word about Buddhism. 

Various other monks came to this place at Lumbini and did meditation and stayed here for sometime. These are the remains found at the above locations dating back to various ages starting from 1st century onwards.

The pond where Siddharth Gautama was given birth. this pond when emptied contained two perennial  sources of water which are very deep. This is one end where one of the sources springs from.

The other end where the second source sprung to earth.

The story of Buddha's birth in pictorial form which shows Bramhaji also blessing the child. The God's bless the child. The branch of the Sal tree which is mistakenly called Ashoka tree. 


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  1. Where did you take the last picture please let me know,thank you.

    1. The last picture was taken in one of the monasteries dotting the city of Lumbini. I think its the German one. Sorry I don't remember.


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