Myth of Realization-Jest Read It!

9:12:00 PMKrishna Rao

Everyone who is knowledgeable about spirituality will tell you that the ultimate goal of spiritual and human life is to go towards Self Realization or as they say God Realization, to meet the Lord,reach the heavens or merge into nothingness,become a Cool Dude,reach the full heart state,become liberated and so on. Now is that what it is all about?

That means to get there we have to follow certain paths which are morally right and spiritually correct. Now what if we are not following the path as laid down by scriptures and care a damn about such lofty goals? Does it make us non qualifiers for those places? Then the chance to be one with that Great Dude upstairs is gone,eh?
Let me give you a lowdown of what you would get into! Now if you opt for taking a tour of this wonderful destination called Realization, then you take your own decision whether you want a place there or just not care to bother about such pie in the sky stuff.
Heaven is a place just like a spa which we visit once too often and have to pay for it.
We pay in credits from our lives. Some good stuff that we may have done would account for some good credit and some bad stuff that we do would account for bad credit. Now get this straight,once the credit limit is reached, the stewards in heaven will throw you out back to this earth. So let me say,you have a credit of ten years then you would enjoy the stay in comfort and luxury for the period of ten heaven years. Once you have exhausted it then you will have to leave. There are no extensions or extras there so do not ask for them,you gotta pay for all the luxury you get there. Remember NOTHING comes free anywhere.
Yes,you will get an audience with the Spa Owner too. He will take you around and introduce you to all the guests also, participate in special night outs too and make your stay very comfortable.
There is nothing to do except enjoy and float around in comfort. No work or any such activities to look forward to.Beautiful babes and centrefold,pinup poster girls,wines from special places,champagne flowing like water,massage therapy,and so on. See, here I am not trying to sell you the location,got it? It all comes at a price! And it is time bound!Haha, I am conniving so as not to sell you this place and become a sucker!!!But go on read the rest of it..........
Now there are some who care so much for nothingness and realization or becoming one with Brahman....
Tell me what is there in Nothingness or Brahman?
Nothing I guess, so what are we actually talking about?
Nothing!!! So let us see if we find something in nothing.
Zut,absolutely Nothing I found in Nothing so let nothing go to nothing.....
Do you care to go to Nothing or that place called Brahman?
Now I am sure you have a good idea what it is that I am getting at!
Look here, I have a place to sell too and it is great and beautiful and all I care for is your love and nothing else.
Right, the qualification for entry into my world is just plain LOVE and DEVOTION.
Two great words to describe it- Love and Devotion.
Now do you get to enjoy champagne and girls-NO WAY!
These things are not served here since we bathe in champagne and all are female there and no males except One and that is ME!
I dance all day to the music which I play from my repertoire of great sounds called the Anahata or unheard sounds....
We do all that is required to get the fullest enjoyments and there is NO RETURN ticket to earth so you do not get to come back.
Of course, there is a condition also....if you would care to join me and my entourage for any special visits to my wonderful worlds, so please do join me. No hard and fast rules there but if you are coming to earth to do a small enactment in my play then there is a bound script lying there so just read it but remember, I am the director and producer and every other thing except the artist and you are that.
You may have to don the male part or any other but you should be good in acting the part so be prepared for it.
Now this place is called Brindavan, no not the Brindavan that you see in India but this is my Brindavan and I am the absolute Master of it so do you care to join me or now is the dekko of the tour sufficient?
Take your pick, you want to go to some heaven where you may get chucked out,meet some strange bald dudes or kings who have limited life or do you want to book the ticket to my place where there is no return but guaranteed enjoyment and chance to be a part of my troupe and actors guild?
I leave it to you, so in case you want to join me just fill up the form below and do not forget to get it attested by my signing officer who has written this great advert!!


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