Illusive Love-The Radha Way!

9:04:00 PMKrishna Rao

Yesterday I was asked a question about the most beautiful topic called LOVE.

I took time off from my satsang to tell the her about this word called "Love".
No words can describe this thing called love. It can only be personified in people and their representations of it.
A mother will say she loves her baby but when the baby grows up, the love diminishes or when other siblings come in then it gets distributed.
A brother may say that he loves his sister or brother but the two will fight for a little bit of family property.
A husband loves his wife and the other way round too but when their child is born, the whole emphasis shifts to the baby. Marriages are flimsier than the paper on which their marriage certificate is printed. At least that lasts till the divorce.
A boy girl relationship is as long as he does for her what she does for him but then the whole thing fizzles out when they make demands...marriage, home, jobs, etc,
So how does a person describe the word love?
It is so frivolous a subject in the material world.
Everyone says they love someone or the other but do they really?
Love deteriorates into demands and wishes and wants and desires.
True love was described by Radha when she says that she sees Krishna in everything though He is nowhere around physically. She sees Him in the sky, the water, the earth, the air, the surroundings, the mind, the soul and there isn't any place she does not experience Him. She was neither married to Him nor was she related to Him.
But Krishna was very sad since He never understood Her love for Him so He takes birth time and again to experience what she meant by this feeling or experience called Love!
As Chaitanya, an avatar of Krishna, He took birth as a man to feel the pangs of Love felt by His beloved Radha. He wanted to experience Krishna through the eyes and heart of Radha. Even till the very end He could never understand this thing called Love so He decides to take birth with Her time and again to know that elusive thing called Love!
Some say love is all about giving and not expecting but then can you let your girlfriend stray and go with someone else?
Can your neighbour call your son hers? Will you allow your brother to take the entire property and remain poor all your life? Will you let your girlfriend call you names and not even blink?
The only way of understanding love is to stay away from the object of your love and just see it from far and be happy in her or his happiness! It is not called sacrifice since you meet the object of your love only to again go away from it. This truly makes the love grow. The other way round, it dies if it isn't true.
So know there is no absolute definition of the word called LOVE.
Just keep on seeking it by being with the object of love and then staying away from it.
Then see it in everything around you, just like Radha!


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