Good Days & Disaster Days

10:16:00 PMKrishna Rao

Now even if you try you can never have all days full of fun and laughter.

We have days when you will feel terrible and blue all over and yet we crave for the little bit of that sun all days.
What use is this life if we were to eat dal rice every single day and there was no variety in it? Soon we will get bored and tired of the same routine and crave for some juicy stuff.
The constant hum drum life of ours gets the jolt the moment we face the demon of change and we want to fight it. Can we not have uneven days and yet enjoy them just like a change in scene?
Our inherent nature is all about change and variety and yet we crib if there is a change in it. We have been sitting in the same darned chair in our office every single day and yet if someone were to pinch it one day we would feel as if we have lost a great treasure. That is terrible attachment to the mundane stuff.
Change is required by every individual and yet we hate it.
Not because we don't like it but we have got used to the regular pattern in our life.
Life offers us constant change but we resent it all along.
We just want to wallow in our groove and feel comfortable in this clockwork life.
Let us look forward to the change. Having tea everyday would be good by why not try the green tea sometimes or coffee or any other stuff to break out of the mould made and set by our habits?
Break the habits and the cocooned way of life.
Be more dynamic in approach and face the challenges of everyday life with complete show of willingness accepting change.
We tend to like the good stuff and the pain hurts but can we not go through a little unhappiness and then have a bit of joy?
Let us take life as it comes our way with whatever it has to offer and face it squarely in face and feel good even when we are feeling low or high.
The whole idea is to not feel bad when something bad happens and neither feel good when some nice stuff happens to us. Just have the evenness of the mind and face whatever comes our way!
Live every day of your life as if it is the last and face it with elan and full zest.
Accept change as it comes and be good to yourself by experiencing it with complete oneness and equanimity.


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