Fear & The Silly Mind!

8:40:00 PMKrishna Rao

Almost all of us are fearful of the unknown and the unexplored.

We never take risks in life to get to that unknown destination in life.
Whenever the question of taking a very important decision in life comes up we tend to think hard with our mind and intellect and arrive at conclusions without allowing the life to proceed faultlessly.
Now you may ask me why do I say such a thing. Here the explanation is this had it not been for that opportunity to come face to face with you, you may not be knowing about it. Secondly what is the reason for God to present you with that if it is unnecessary for your growth. He puts the right stuff in front of you every time but we reject it.
Next we tend to allow our small mind to come up with impossible situations when we need to decide then and there. The fear is the greatest factor which rules our mind and we never step out into the unknown. Remember the one who has brought you in this world knows best what is right for you so why would he put you in jeopardy?
Like a true father who cares for his kids He too wants the best for us but where do we put our trust??? We trust our mind which has always let us down in life and never trust God!
Do not be afraid to do what is needed then and take some risks which will show you the impossible is possible with that true faith in Him!
Arjuna would not have fought the Mahabharat war without Krishna, Rama would not have crossed over to Lanka without Hanuman, Alexander would not have conquered lands far beyond his own, Sachin would never have been in cricket had it not been for his coach(remember he never completed his school), Tenzing and Hillary would never have climbed Everest and there are so many examples where the winners have always shown fearlessness and won over trying times in life.
So let us give it a shot and try harder and never allow our meek mind to run our life for us. Overcome fear, stupor, inertia or whatever it is to lead the way towards our newer horizons. Tell that mind to mind its own business of constant chatter like the monkey. After all the monkeys just swing from branch to branch aimlessly.
Remember the Lion King and Star Wars, Madagascar and Jack Sparrow the pirate and there are countless stories which tell us to have that courage in life and explore the unknown realms in life.
Just take a step and see how you can sustain yourself. After all what is the maximum that can happen? You may fail at the max. But you can still say that you tried.
So just put that faith in the God who has brought you to that place and just do what is necessary and never let your silly mind have its way.


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