Falling Out Of Love!

8:09:00 AMKrishna Rao

You have heard about this but have you wondered what is it that makes people fall out of love?

Again it is about fulfilment of our desires which do not get met with the person we loved once.
So at the end of the line it still means that we have too many expectations from love.
People stop talking because they do not have a common topic to talk about which had interested them in early days. The topic has gone stale or lost its charm. A couple would have been interested in some sports activity and then one of them moves on to another topic of their choice. There was a common platform where they met earlier but now the scope doesn't exist so they branch out or leave.
One of the most important reasons for getting married is to start a family and once you are on your way, the destination has reached, so you grow out of that need. Then the chances of meeting again are just mundane once in a while sexual acts and going in for another one.
The person searches for something to keep their relationship going but if they do not find it they move on. Maybe they find someone else who can share their passion and so they start looking outside. In most of the cases that I have seen there are truly passionate people who would give anything to get their spouse back but when they see the same mistakes happening again and again with these people they resent them. But were you not aware that human nature does not undergo much change so why were you expecting for the person to change drastically for you?
Sometimes you find solace in the arms of another one who can sympathise with you and emote in the same way having gone through similar circumstances.
But you again fail since this newer being has come with his or her own baggage which weighs a tonne and you can never handle it, just like earlier.
It is easier to fall out of love. Have a lot of expectations and wish for the moon from your relationship. Its a very easy down slide then.
When you meet someone for the first time and hope that this newer relationship will be the most ideal, you have already made judgements on it. Give a lot of leeway for the same and have your spaces laid out so that you do not trample on them.
If someone likes golf do not say that you hate it. Maybe you can join him for a game or learn it.
Just know that all human relationships are all about you scratch my back and I will scratch yours. Every relationship in the mundane world are flimsy like your marriage so do not count too much on them. Just keep them at arms length and be happy with what you got. More expectations will destroy it sooner than your earlier one.
The only relationship which lasts is with your own self or should I say the true Self which you do not know about. So isn't it important to find that One in you? If you find the Self then there is nothing more to seek. All journeys end there in the Self alone. You are fulfilled and content and need no other to satisfy you. You are full and complete. This is the way for a true seeker. If you think that you are searching for God outside then you may fail. Search inside of you. Hope you find yourself your true Self!


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  1. Hi Suresh,
    Pl explain.. just because we have an expectation we get into a relationship/marriage. if we dont have any expectations then we dont have to get married.. or look/wait for that person to share rest of our life with...


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