The Beggars

9:40:00 PMKrishna Rao

We visit temples and other places of worship or stand in front of God and keep on asking stuff from Him always. It is either asking for a job, good marks, entry in a good institution, increase in salary, good health, going abroad, better opportunities, spouses' betterment, children, curing illnesses or whatever trinkets we need. It is all about asking and demanding from God such stuff.

Once Akbar was lost in the jungle while hunting and he came across a small hut. The man inside helped him get back to civilization. The king told the poor man to come and meet him and to ask for whatever he wants which the king could give. The poor man on visiting was told the king was deep in prayers. He saw the king and then turned to go away but the king opened the eyes and asked the poor man why he was going away without asking for a boon from the King! The poor man said that when you ask like a beggar from the Lord for gifts, why should I ask you for gifts when I can directly ask God himself. Why should I ask another beggar?
We are always supplicating to someone or the other and asking for some stuff but the one who gives us is God Himself, then why not ask Him so I understand we can ask Him! So we go with our list of wants to Him and keep on hounding Him for our wants. It makes us beggars in front of God. God provides us with our demands and then we offer Him some trinket or some cash or some sweets and think that the equation is finished. So why does the silly human think that by giving Him a stupid offering the whole issue is settled? Just imagine you asked for a child and then repay with a kilo of pedhas? Or you got a job worth lakhs of rupees and then you give Him a few thousands worth gold chain or visit a holy place? Do you think the return gift is justified?
So what happens to the spiritual being? Does he also behave in the same way?
Once a young monk leaves a monastery and begs for food from a house. A young pubescent girl opens the door. She calls out to her mother who comes and offers the young monk with some food. He asks the older lady pointing at the girls breasts if she has some boils on her chest? The mother understands the monk has no knowledge about such stuff so she tells him that God has made arrangements in the young girl by providing breasts which will provide for milk for a young child which she may bear when she grows up. The monk starts to leave them so the mother asks him why has he not taken the food that she offered? He tells her that understanding the greatness of the Lord and how he provides for everything in this creation beforehand, he has decided that he is not going to think about anything including his food because he has surely provided for the same and will keep on doing so.
Such is the attitude of the spiritual who are solely dependent on the Lord for providing them with every need of theirs. So they do not hoard or think about the future. They live like birds who do not hoard for the future but only bother for today. The spiritual know for sure the good Lord has kept everything ready for their simple needs. So they do not think about millions or billions. In the Bhagvad Gita the Lord Himself says that those who are solely dependent on me and believe in me alone, have exclusive devotion for me, I take care of them always.
I wonder why the others have a laundry lists of things to ask for. I am their father and knows whats best for them and shall give them their needs but they come up with their own list which makes me keep my list away. Their demands have some repayments in the form of karma attached to it and they fall into the trap of continuous life and deaths.What can I do for such impossible creatures who keep on asking from me? I can only consider them as good as beggars. He feels sad at such unbelieving species he has created who always ask for more!


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