Get Back The Old.

7:41:00 PMKrishna Rao

Dearest Friend....Many years ago we met and now a lifetime has gone by and you ask me if I could get back the old days and start all over again? Dude you gotta understand no one absolutely no one including the great Gods can bring back the old. They can create a replica but not the original of the same. So can we just let it be and not worry about getting back the old once again in our lives!

The past glories and achievements are all that we call as memories and they are very good times too that happened a long time ago. So kindly refrain from asking for the impossible by saying let us go back to old times.
Why do we consider the old times as great times? That's because you compare it always to every newer times. We create memories so that we can reminisce on them. They are a good source of faith and a yardstick of going further than them. That means if we have scored 5 goals or 200 runs in a match, now is the time to raise the bar and score 10 goals and 300 runs. See? Even then we cannot rest and sit back and enjoy the past. We have to be always on our feet, running, creating music, beautiful pictures, lilting sounds and lots and lots of happier situations. If you have seen good old days why not see better newer days? If we have fought before and made up then why not have a bigger war and have a bigger reunion? Now there can be no better war than the Mahabharat they say but have we not called all our wars as Mahabharat and then gone and had a truce and re started all over again?
Now we have more paraphernalia to contend with, more soldiers to create a better battle grounds and more ammunition to fight with. That would account for a scale never seen before. Similarly when we love, we have shortened the time frames and made it very short and silly. Just like a chore and want to get on and over with it. Now see where I come from. There is no bettering the past here. The losers have nothing to gain from the present so they will only dwell in the past and say it is impossible to better the future. Stop this comparison and start anew. Get going with a higher bar and better ammo too. Vow to reach more than you have ever reached. Climb higher, run faster and dive deeper in life than before. Fight tooth and nail, love overwhelmingly and create newer better and better memories too.
So stop saying lets get the old times back. You are no longer the one we saw many years ago so why harp on the old? You are the ever new, newer by the day, fuller by knowledge, better in years, sharper than usual, luckier than before and your capacity for life has grown. So lets move towards a better and better future. Just live in the here and now and stop blaming yourself for the things that may have not worked before. They have to be given a chance again and again. Here is wishing you better future and lots of love to you.
Yours Truly!


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  1. Whoever that friend of yours is,he should have had a lifted spirit after reading this :D
    lovely post :D

    Could you read a post of mine? And vote for it too if you like it? I'd be more than grateful :)

  2. Thank you The Story teller. It never lifted the spirit, on the contrary it was lost. funny world!

  3. Thank you. Wish we can lift our own spirit instead of waiting for others!!


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