Why Forgive?

1:08:00 AMKrishna Rao

"What is the point of forgiveness or saying sorry when you know that there is no such thing! The karma associated with the act has occured and our life has already gone in a loop, then the unravelling wont work at all. Why not just let it be as destiny and move ahead in life? Any which way you gotta meet that same idiot in your next life, thanks to him you will have to repay that deed sometime. Dont mess further by his apology or remorse! Its another nail in your coffin...."

This was my update in facebook and I am sure anyone who has read this would be having doubts about why this would be true.
Let me explain here what I meant.
Let us say you have taken some money from some friend of yours and not been able to return for over 6 years now even though you had promised to return it in 6 months.
Now comes a time when he says to you that since you do not have the financial capacity to repay that amount, he has forgiven you and now he doesn't want it back.
Do you think that this genorosity of his and his forgiveness would have sorted all issues for all times? Not at all according to the laws of karma. You gotta return it back and if you are not able to then you would have to take another life wherein you would be paying it back to him. Now for the forgiveness part from him!
Remember everything that you take needs to be returned back, so also this sense of his forgiveness. In some life of his you will have to forgive him also.
Now tell me what is the use of forgiveness or apologies at all?
You bash up your wife and then say sorry to her and she forgives you but do you think this has ended everything. No, never! She has to give it back to you in some life of yours. She has to beat you to a pulp too and later she may ask your pardon too.
How do you like this arrangement? Sadly, it doesn't help anyone in deciding anything at all.
Do you wish to apologize to someone or is it a true sorry from your side?
Does it matter? Any kind of forgiveness or rescinding the action does not take the impact away.
Say a rapist asking for pardon does not give any solace to the victim.
If that would have been the case then Krishna would not have asked the Pandavas to fight the war. A sorry would have sufficed. But not so! Draupadi needed to oil her hair with the blood of the one who wanted to disrobe her. No apologies were asked nor were given.
So fight a righteous issue and do not back out of it by forgiving someone for whatever they have done.


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  1. Thats why i dont forgive anyone.. its not my cup of tea.. I beleive in taking revenge if someone had done a dirty on me ..



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