What Are You Seeking?

9:22:00 PMKrishna Rao

This is a strange question to be asked to a person who is a seeker of truth. The reason is since he does not know what it is that he is seeking.

If you knew what the truth is then there was no need for you to seek.
We all are searching for God and the ultimate nirvana and yet we do not seem to find it ever.
I had a student who was a true seeker and yet when it came to finding the truth she asked for all possible worldly stuff and wanted peace and happiness in it.
She craved for the company of someone who would take her out for lunches, dinners, outings, cafes and shared in the worldly stuff full of material wants. She wanted someone with whom she could share her worldly life as a friend. Caring for her needs and fulfilling her desires.
The need to earn more and more and find the ultimate amount of money suitable for having a serious retirement. When it comes to that she had her own mother who worked for many years in a bank and retired never seemed to find that which she was seeking.
You see so many elderly people in the park early in the morning talking to each other. What do you think they are talking? They talk about politics, their households, television serials, pensions, how they lived way back then, cribbing all the time about the newer stuff. How they were so efficient in their own workplace and helped so many in their lives. They while their time away jabbering away to glory. They have never heard of this bird called liberation or the Self. They die the most silliest death and no one bothers after they have left their mortal coils.
This thing as we call as the Self or liberation truly sets us free of all desires and wants.
It makes us all fulfilled without any cares or desires. You do not seek any company or want someone who would take care of you when you become old or feel depressed or deprived.
You are so full of your true self that you do not need crutches or support at all.
You do not need a family, husband, wives, children, relatives or friends for support at all.
You do not care for any money or other such wants in life.
You do not bother about your sexual needs or any other needs of the body at all.
You do not care for owning jewellery or having vehicles or other forms of material desires.
You have no need for recognition or awards at work of home.
Whether your kid earns a gold medal or plays Peter Pan or makes it to the elite club also has no meanings at all. You care two hoots if your sister gets married or has kids or finds herself a catch in the marriage market. You do not give a damn if someone blames you or praises you.
You are lost in your own world of the Self. No needs at all. You do whatever whenever you wish to do. You sleep when you want, eat when you want and live the way you want.
You are truly free when it does not pain you when someone calls you an idiot, a good for nothing person or praises you for your erudition in philosophical subjects also.
You do not ask for anything from God or any other creature, worldly or otherwise.
You are full of contentment and peace and do not crave for anything at all.
You love being in your own company and have no need for any one's support at all.
You are truly a fulfilled seeker now.


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