Stray Pics

10:47:00 PMKrishna Rao

Here are some pictures from my travels to various places.
Two monkeys in Devarayanadurga having a nap in each others arms.

The bird which comes to hear my satsang and sits atop this chimney.

The few Vicunas that are left in captivity. Endangered species in Peru.

The Butterfly had lost his wing in Intipinku in Machu Pichu, Peru.

The Llama or as they call it Alpaca in Peru.

Grazing Llama Mama.

Pigeons outside the palace in Lima.

The dog seems oblivious and the guards seem to not notice him in front of the Presidential palace in Lima.

The brown colored guinea pig, staple diet of Peru.

The black and white ones.

The woman and her Alpaca

The gray bird in Cusco

The talisman for removing evil eye atop houses in Peru.

The cat atop a tin roof in Aguas Calliyantes.

The bird in bushes at Machu Pichu

The deer on way to Ooty.

The lucky turtle in a chinese temple in a pond at Tanjong Pinang Indonesia 

Some of the pictures which were shot during my tours.... they are all posted at random.


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